Sunday, June 27, 2004

The War is not Over

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Suspected Taliban gunmen killed at least 10 men in southern Afghanistan (news - web sites) after finding that they had registered for national elections, local officials said Sunday.

The attack, which occurred Friday on a road in southern Uruzgan province, was the deadliest yet in a wave of violence aimed at sabotaging the nation's first free vote, scheduled for September.

On Saturday, a bomb ripped through a bus carrying female election workers in the eastern city of Jalalabad, killing two of them and wounding 13 others. A spokesman for the Taliban claimed responsibility.

The assaults raised doubts over whether Afghanistan is ready to hold the vote and increased pressure on NATO (news - web sites) leaders meeting in Turkey on Monday to deploy more peacekeepers here.

Can anyone doubt that we are at war? Shit like this just pisses me off when I read it. I spent nearly a year in the mountains of Afghanistan chasing these sonsofbitches down, eating alot of goat and drinking a lot of goat milk (I fricking HATE goat milk).

Now the bad guys don't realize that they've gotten their asses kicked. some people this is not a big deal. But you better get your heads out of the sand. This is a war for our very survival. These fundamentalists fighting a false jihad will not stop until they are dead, or they annihilate anything that is not from Islam. Period. End of discussion.

This is the fight for our survival. We cannot surrender. We cannot stop. We cannot compromise with these people.

Now, personally, I don't give a shit if they elect a Muslim theocratic government. If that is the will of the people, then let them elect it. That is what freedom is about. I don't want to see an American-style democracy there. I want to see the will of the Afghani people carried out. Whatever that may be. That is what true freedom is.

People. We need to wake up. We need to get out heads out of the sand. We're AT WAR! Doesn't anyone else realize that????


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