Sunday, June 27, 2004

Food for Thought

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." -- Matthew 16:25

I got this in an email from a daily devotional site that I belong to...this made me think about things a little bit...."whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for God will find it..."...that says so much in that one sentence. To me that sums up what service to God and what our duty to God is and should be...

No matter what we do here on Earth, it will have an impact on our Eternal Life. Yes, that is right. God is omnipotent and He is omniscient. He can do all and He can see all. He sees everything that I do today. He knows every thought in my brain today...and tomorrow...and the next day...He knows it all.

Knowing can we wish to do wrong? Seriously. If I knew every second of every day that God could see and He knew all, and I was faced with a tough decision, how could I possible want to do anything against God? Well...I'm human, as we all are. And for me at least, even if I know that he can see it all, I don't know that he can see it all. There's a difference.

For all of my adult life, I have worked as a medical professional. I am a critical-care paramedic, I am an independent duty navy corpsman. My life has revolved around helping others. As a law enforcement officer, I had dedicated my days to helping others. No, I have not handed out tracts and saved alot of souls...but my ministry has been more quiet, more humble. Jesus didn't just talk about humility and love and compassion. He showed us these things, through his actions...My ministry has been through helping others...I believe that was my calling. I believe that was the right way for me.

I do not believe that only those who give their lives for the Lord, literally, will find their eternal life. I think this passage speaks as a parable, as most do...We must be ready to give our lives for the Lord. We must give our lives over to the Lord. It is not my life. It is God's life....Let His will be done...Let His words be spoken.

The greatest love that we have is the love that we give away...not the love that we speak about...

I like to think thay I've given more love away than I've spoken of.

My life is the Lord's...I must do His will. I must be patient for what He has in store for me. That is hard sometimes. I know what I want, yet I must wait to see if that is what God wants for me...I'm still getting used to that...





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