Monday, September 06, 2004

This Bozo really makes me sick

I read what Kerry has to say and most of the time I just laugh and shake my head in contempt. But then...I realize that this man is truly dangerous who would endanger the welfare and safety of American citizens because of the bubble that he lives in. This really amazes me that the man is so out of touch with the reality of the situation and the Global War on Terrorism.

"We want those troops home, and my goal would be to try to get them home in my first term," Kerry said, speaking to a fellow Vietnam War veteran in the audience of his campaign event.

Question: What is his plan for this troop pull out? Is it phased? It is all at once? What if there is a flare-up of hostilities? What is the Iranians get frisky and begin placing large troop formations on the Iraqi/Iranian Border? Surely they would be happy to see an Iraq in disarray with a political vacuum. I'm sure the Iranians remember the ten-year Iran-Iraq War. What if the UN refuses to send peacekeepers? What about this coalition that he says he will form? Not that I really think he will...

Faulting Bush on almost every aspect of his move toward war, Kerry said the United States is carrying the burden in casualties and cost. He called the president's coalition "the phoniest thing I ever heard."

Right. Notice how the whole platform for Kerry is on the failures of others. Notice, how he has nothing to back his platform up besides the criticism and sideline quarterbacking of those making decisions. It's easy to sit in the armchair and make these judgments when he is not in the hot seat. What has he done for national security? What has he done for the welfare of the country? Is there a Kerry Bill? Is there a Kennedy-Kerry Bill? He has voted against every major weapons system since he has been in government. He also voted against vitally needed military funding which would save lives RIGHT NOW in Iraq and A-stan.

Reading the above quote reminds me of "The Arena" from President Theodore Roosevelt, a real ass-kicking warrior-turned-President. "It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause, who at best knows achievement and who at the worst if he fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."

"John Edwards (news - web sites) and I believe we can raise the standard of living in America again and raise the ability of Americans to make money," Kerry said.

And how is he raising the standard of living? By increasing welfare rights, and overly taxing those who make more money, and produce more? Tell me if this makes sense: I graduate high school, kick ass on my SATs and go to college Pre-Med. Then I kick ass on GMAT and get into Med School. For the next EIGHT YEARS, I bust my ass through med school, residency, and then advanced residency if I choose to. Finally, AFTER doing all this, I can enjoy the fruits of my labor....but only at the cost of INCREASED taxes because I actually PRODUCE something, and don't forget the increased malpractice premiums perpetuated by the left-wing liberal lawsuit frenzy. So...all the Left-Wing Liberal tax reform actually does is depress the economy, depress production, depress the cost of living, thus producing a self fulfilling prophecy...Sure, more people are being raised to the poverty line from where they were, BUT AT WHAT COST???? What do they PRODUCE??? What do they CONTRIBUTE?????

If you fear, if you live in fear, if you live in your bubble, if you live with your head in the sand, then go ahead and Vote for Kerry. This isn't Disney Land. This is the real world. In the real world, there is REAL WORK to be done. There are real enemies with real guns. Someone must stand between the good guys and the bad guys.


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