Monday, May 02, 2005

FrontPage :: SFSU Hosts a Terrorist by Lee Kaplan

Why is federal tax money going to seditionist, treachorous pieces of scum like this??? She was convicted of supporting al-Qaeda and other Islamist terrorists and she is still sucking in oxygen??? I'm all for forgiving and forgetting and loving my neighbor, but this is pushing my patience. My friends are still overseas fighting and dying. They are giving their all, giving their last full measure of devotion while this piece of scum is using our tax money and sleeping uder the very blanket of freedom provided by the soldiers and sailors that provide it. What a joke.

An African-American woman going by the name “Pam Africa” shouted to the crowd and news cameras, “Right on to the students who will take on the tyranny of the government!” Most students passing by ignored them.

She wants to see a tyranny? Maybe she needs to go to Indonesia where our Marines were not allowed to carry firearms, even as they were begging for assistance. Sure, bite the hand that feeds you. Maybe she needs to hear about the secret police in Iraq and other countries where men and woman simply disappear never to be seen again...then maybe she would know the meaning of tyranny.

This makes me sick. I don't know what else to say.