Saturday, October 30, 2004

If I Had My Way

If I had my way...

There would be no tyrants in this world
There would be no hungry mouths to feed, needing food
There would be no criminals that prey on the weak
We would all do what was necessary when it was necessary
There would be no weapons of mass destruction
Everyone would have a voice to be heard
Everyone would have a father to raise them
There would be mutual understanding and acceptance in the world

Unfortunately....I do not have my way...


We need strong men with guns to protect the weaker
We need honorable people who will feed the hungry when nobody else gives a damn
We need men of honor who will stand up to terrorism

The professional warrior is not an end unto himself, but he is a means to an end...
If there was no evil out in the world, there would be no need for the professional warrior.
If this was a perfect world there would be peace without war, there is a REAL need for peace through the means of war
That is a simple fact.

The Islamo-Fascists have declared war the United States and our way of life. They have declared war on other Muslims who would stand on the side of Freedom and Liberty. They have distorted their religion to fit their fanatical cause.

This is war.

This is a war that is for the very way of life that we hold so dear.

This is God's work...defending the weak, bringing freedom to the oppressed....If God is with us, who could be against us?

Fallujah may not the center of the war, but it will the tide that turns the war. If we fail in Fallujah, then it will have consequences that reverberate through the rest of the War on Terror. They must be wiped out. The insurgents must be killed or captured. The foriegn fighters must be killed or captured. They must be marginalized, if freedom in Iraq is to be a reality.

So I say this...

Falluja Delende Est


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