Friday, November 05, 2004

Falluja Delende Est

BAGHDAD, Iraq - U.S. jets struck Fallujah with five air raids in 12 hours, softening up the insurgent stronghold for an expected major assault. Guerrillas responded with a rocket attack Friday, killing a U.S. soldier and wounding seven others, the U.S. military said.

Iraq (
news - web sites)'s interim prime minister, Ayad Allawi, warned that the "window is closing" for a peaceful settlement to avert an offensive on Fallujah, west of Baghdad. U.S. troops sealed off roads into the city overnight.

U.S. commanders said a combined U.S.-Iraqi force would carry out the attack on what is considered the insurgents' strongest bastion. Prime Minister Ayad Allawi must give the green light for the operation — part of a campaign to uproot insurgents ahead of vital elections planned for late January.

Falluja Delende Est.

Clear out the civilians, mark your targets and then unleash hell. This is the epicenter, not only for the war in Iraq, but also for the Global War on Terrorism. We did not choose the place or timing, but the fact is unmistakable that we MUST win in this battle. We must endure until the end. I have no doubt that we will. We have the finest trained Marines, soldiers, and the Iraqis seem to be coming along well in some (if not most) sectors. Winning this fight against the (mainly) foriegn fighters who have illegally entered Iraq for the purpose of conducting a false-Jihad, will have worldwide reprecussions.

Godspeed and Good hunting. May your aim be true and your heart stout, boys.


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