Monday, June 28, 2004

Coalition Provisional Authority Hands Over Soveriegnty 2 days Early

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The U.S.-led coalition transferred sovereignty to an interim Iraqi government two days early Monday in a surprise move that apparently caught insurgents off guard, averting a feared campaign of attacks to sabotage the historic step toward self-rule.

Legal documents transferring sovereignty were handed over by U.S. governor L. Paul Bremer to chief justice Midhat al-Mahmood in a small ceremony in the heavily guarded Green Zone. Bremer took charge in Iraq (news - web sites) about a year ago.

"This is a historical day ... a day that all Iraqis have been looking forward to," said Iraqi President Ghazi Al-Yawer. "This is a day we are going to take our country back into the international forum."

Militants had conducted a campaign of car bombings, kidnappings and other violence that killed hundreds of Iraqis in recent weeks and was designed to disrupt the transfer, announced by the Bush administration late last year. Intially, the Americans were thought to have planned for about one more year of occupation.

The response in Baghdad was mixed.

"Iraqis are happy inside, but their happiness is marred by fear and melancholy," said artist Qassim al-Sabti. "Of course I feel I'm still occupied. You can't find anywhere in the world people who would accept occupation. America these days, is like death. Nobody can escape from it."

Two hours after the ceremony Bremer left Iraq on a U.S. Air Force C-130, said Robert Tappan, an official of the former coalition occupation authority. Bremer was accompanied by coalition spokesman Dan Senor and close members of his staff. Bremer's destination was not given, but an aide said he was "going home."

I applaud the CPA for doing this...For far too long we have been reacting to the false-Jihadists, basing our moves on the actions of these haters of God and Islam. Now, in a one-two punch, we have uspurped their ability to set the tone and the pace of the coming fight.

And do not be mistaken that there is a fight left to come. With the legitemacy of the Iraqi Interim government, the outcry of resistence against False Jihadists who target innocent Iraqi civilians, and the acceptance of his position by Muqtada al-Sadr, will have a roll to play in the coming fight. Army Forces are still engages with False Jihadists and anti-Iraqi forces all through their AOR. Marines from 1st Marine Divisiopn are also fully engaged. This is not the end of the bloodshed, nor is it the end of the insurgency.

Time will tell what will happen. With the handover of power, the insurgents and False Jihadists will have a hard time to justify their actions. They have already shown their willingness to kill civillian aid workers and contractors (this goes against the tenets of Islam which state that a man who comes into your tent peacefully is to be protected and respected), to target Islamic Iraqis (to bring war against other Muslims is hateful to God, says the Quran), and the false interpretation of the Quran (only learned teachers and religious leaders should interpret the Quran according to many within Islam).

With Muslim Iraqis calling the shots and directing their security forces in an effort to put down the insurgency, then where will the False Jihadists find their legitemacy. I find a correlary between the present situation and the situation that many Marxist and communist terrorist organizations found themselves at the od of the Cold War when the paragon of communist-socialism fell. They lost their legitemacy. They lost their moral standing. They lost their financial backing.

Only time will tell how this one will go.

In my humble opinion, we must:

1) Respect the Iraqi government and the choices that they made democratically (whether it be a theocratic government based in the Quranic Law or a functioning Republic). Any semblance that they are a puppet government will only increase support and legitemacy for the False Jihadists, while also the presiding Interim Government will not be able to help losing face and respect, both internally and internationally. We should advise, help and aid...not rule.

2) Carry on and increase aid programs. Hearts and minds works better than guns in this situation. Rebuild hospitals. Re-open schools. Get their plumbing working. Turn their electricty on. These simple things will increase the standard of living and also respect and stature of the interim government among their people.

3) Give the Iraqis credit, no matter who does the deed. We are there to help them not show the world what great guys we are. Do the job, but give them the credit for it. In the long run, this will help everyone. If you don't know how to do this, ask any Army Special Forces officer or noncom (the "Quiet Professionals").

4) Persistently, aggressively and ruthlessly root out, discredit, kill or capture all insurgents. Again give credit to the Iraqis. Let them be tried under Islamic Law. Let them be seen as the False Jihadists and haters of God that they are. This will increase legitemacy and stature of the Interim Government.

I'm sure I have more ideas but that is it for now.

I look the East and think of my brothers and sisters in arms who are still serving there. They valiantly stand the wall, as I did for so long. My heart lingers there. My eyes water when I think of their sacrifice...I am still with them.

God bless you Brave Patriot Soldiers.


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