Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The True War

Perhaps there are people out there who do not believe that we are in the fight of our lives. Perhaps there are some people who do not believe that the very survival of our way of life hangs in the balance.

FACT: Muslim Fundamentalists killed 241 Marines and Sailors in October 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon.

FACT: Muslim Fundamentalists kidnapped and killed countless numbers of westerners and Christians throughout the 1970s and 1990s.

FACT: Muslim Fundamentalists kidnapped and then killed Israeli Athletes in the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

FACT: Muslim Fundamentalists hijacked an international flight and ruthlessly murdered a US Navy diver, Robert Stethem.

FACT: Muslim Fundamentalists hijacked the Achille Lauro and killed a wheelchair bound US citizen.

FACT: al-Qaida supported terrorists attacked the World Trade Centers in 1993.

FACT: al-Qaida provided weapons and training to Habr Gidr clanmembers in Somalia in 1993.

FACT: in 1996 al-Qaida operatives bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia killing American servicemen.

FACT: in 1998 al-Qaida bombed two US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya.

FACT: in 2000 al-Qaida attacks the USS Cole in Yemen (an act of war mind you).

And how did the US respond...????? By throwing a few Tomahawk missiles into Afghanistan.

FACT: in 2001 3,000 Americans are killed in the worst terrorist act that this nation has ever known.

FACT: al-Qasqa, Hamas, and Hezbollah continue to wage a relentless war against Israel, indiscriminately killing soldiers and civillians alike.

Yet, this is a war that has been fought for the past thirty years. The world has been at war with terrorists since the early 1970s. This is a war that was largely ignored by the American public. While we were too busy day trading, watching the World Series, and sticking our heads in the sand, groups like Hezbollah, Black September, Baader-Meinhoff, Red Brigades, Action Directe, Abu-Nidal, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, FARC, FLMN, Shining Path and others became the training ground for today's terrorists.

The terrorist business has truly turned into an entrepreneural business. Look at Colombia and other South American nations were the traditional liberation movements are now providing security and muscle for money to the Cartels. With the loss of COMBLOC support, they need to support themselves somehow. If they surrender and recognize that they have lost, then everything that they have done in the past...everything, is nothing but murder and mayhem. So they drive on...

And it has set the stage for what is happening in Iraq today. These Fals Jihadists who twist and misquote the Quran for their own ends kill innocent Iraqis and other Muslims to pursue their deadly ends. These are entrepeneural terrorists people. They are creating the False Jihad. The Quran states that if a foriegner comes into your tent in peace then you are share your salt. The Quran preaches that to kill a brother Muslim is hateful to God. The Quran teaches that Jews and Christians are not truly infidels for they are also children of the Book.

These False Jihadists do not care about a Free Iraq, nor do they care about the welfare of their own people. They wish for a destabilized Middle East and Arabia knowing that it will destabilize the world as well. Through the aiding and abetting of Iran, Syria and other Muslim fundamentalist nations they are taking their war to the world.

Iraq is simply the first step. The First Jihad was fought across Africa and into Europe, spreading Islam by the sword. It was finally stopped-after gaining a strong foothold on the Iberian Peninsula-in 1492 at the Battle of Granada.

The Second Jihad was with the Ottoman Empire. This was the greatest spread of Islam in the modern world. It was only stopped during WWI when the Ottomans had aligned themself with Austro-Hungary and Germany. This was also the beginning of a new, and continuing, resurgence of Wahhabi Fundamentalism.

The War started in the 1970s. Instead of facing the threat, supporting Israel and supporting the Shah (a western-leaning secular leader), the US allowed the resurgence of anti-Semitism, turned our backs, stuck our heads in the sand, and let the Shah fall. We all remember 1979 when the Fundamentalists took our Embassy and held our citizens hostages. Again an act of war, and how did President Carter want to respond???? he wanted to apologize!!!!

Those young Muslims who were being spoon fed western-hating fundamentalism at their mother's breast, are now the young men who are fighting us in the streets of Iraq. These are the men who hijacked airliners and turned them into missiles. These are the men who are training and recruiting terrorists in the Philipines, Singapore, Malaysia, Asia and the United States. These are the same terrorists whom we let go time and time again by our isolationist mentality.

We are in the fight of our lives.

NOW, some facts about us and the Global War on Terrorism.

FACT: We deposed the Taliban who condoned female circumcism, honor killing and castration.

FACT: We brought education to Afghani women for the first time in a generation.

FACT: We dropped food and other humanitarian assistance during the first day of combat, along with bombs.

FACT: We deposed Saddam who had a stated agenda to acquire, deploy and employ weapons of mass destruction.

FACT: we deposed Saddam who had used WMD on his neighbors and own people in the past.

FACT: We deposed Saddam who had murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people over the course of fifteen years.

FACT: We deposed Saddam who still repressed the Shi'a majority through brutality.

FACT: We deposed Saddam who used torture and violence to maintain control.

Get your heads out of the sand if you do not see that this is the fight of our lives. Get your head out of the sand if you believe that we can use diplomacy in this war. We've tried diplomacy for the past thirty years to no avail. War is a means of last resort, and we are at that last resort. We either meet the enemy there, or we prepare to meet him here in our own backyard.

An al-Qasqa martyr is a Hezbollah gunman.

An al-Qaida terrorist is a Hamas bomber.

There is no difference. They are all bent on destroying all things western and replacing it with a Fundamental Islamic government. Think about it. Listen to the terrorists and what they say. Look at what they do.

The lines are drawn, and there are only two sides. You are with us or you are against us.

We may not be at war with Islam but Islam is definitely at war with us.



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