Monday, September 06, 2004

He's at it Again

Does he even really have a position? Or is he saying this just to please people???? Can we say Borderline Personalities Disorder.

With the quantity of jobs rising, Kerry turned to their quality. "If you want four more years of your wages falling ... if you want four more years of losing jobs overseas and replacing them with jobs that pay $9,000 less than the jobs you had before, then you should go vote for George Bush (news - web sites)," Kerry said in Pennsylvania.

Kerry cited a study by the liberal Economic Policy Institute from January indicating jobs in growing industries pay $8,848 less on average than jobs in fading industries. One-third of the new jobs are for janitors, fast-food workers and temporary employees, and they are less likely to offer health insurance than other work, his campaign said.

Ahhhhhhhhh. So the answer to it all is a socialist government provided system where instead of giving people the incentive to work, we reward them for having more babies out of wedlock, not working, and sucking off of the rest of society....RIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

Oh, and by the way, healthcare is a service, NOT a right.

Kerry said last month he would try to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq within his first six months in office, conditioning that goal on getting more assistance from other countries. But he's avoided until now laying out a possible end game.

He called the president's coalition in Iraq "the phoniest thing I ever heard" and played up the money spent on Iraq that could have gone to domestic needs.

Jeeez. This guy is looking to "rebuild alliances" and get more international assistance in Iraq and all he can do is slam those that are shouldering some of the weght of that burden. I guess the UK's 1 (UK) Armored Division, and 3 Commando Brigade was phony. I guess Poland's GROM unit was phony too.

And check this out. This is a story about an El Salvadoran Corporal who engaged Iraqi insurgents in hand to hand combat with a f'in' switchblade!!!! A dozen men in his unit and one dead, and he charges the mofos with a damn switchblade.

One of his friends was dead, 12 others lay wounded and the four soldiers still left standing were surrounded and out of ammunition. So Salvadoran Cpl. Samuel Toloza said a prayer, whipped out his switchblade knife and charged the Iraqi gunmen. In one of the only known instances of hand-to-hand combat in the Iraq (news - web sites) conflict, Toloza stabbed several attackers who were swarming around a comrade. The stunned assailants backed away momentarily, just as a relief column came to their rescue. "We never considered surrender. I was trained to fight until the end," said the 25-year-old Toloza, one of 380 El Salvador (news - web sites) soldiers whose heroism is being cited just as criticism is leveled against other members of the multinational force in Iraq.

I suppose that type of valor under fire is phony also???

Oh, wait, this dude didn't shoot a single man in the back who was escaping with an RPG, and he didn't run from the battle and only return when others had the battle well in hand, and he didn't shoot himself in the ass with a 40mm grenade, and he didn't dress up like a soldier and take home videos for future political use, and he didn't sit in on congressional hearings and accuse all vets of being war criminals and of this brave Honduran must be phony too....

But J. Kerry is a TRUE WAR HERO because of his three PHs, and a SS and BS (w/V) that are questionable to say the least...

By the way, the Silver Star is ONLY awarded for valor in combat. It is awared for: "Gallantry in action against an armed enemy of the United States or while serving with friendly foreign forces." So if the Silver Star is only awarded for gallantry in action, why would the Combat Distinguishing Device need to be added? The Combat "V" is used to differentiate the administrative Vs. the Combat award of a medal. Like the difference between a Legion of Merit and a Legion of Merit with a Combat "V", or a Bronze Star for administrative merit, or a Bronze Star with a Combat "V" awarded for valor in combat. So it is redundent. If the medal is only a wartime combat medal, why would he need a combat distinguishing device on it????

I swear to God, this dude must have Borderline Personalities Disorder or something. He says things to please others. He lives off of the failures of others. NOT ONE positive word has come from his mouth. His whole campaign is based on the decisions and wrong moves of the other party. He changes his story to fit the day. He has doctored the Naval System to get what he wants, and I'm sure he was a Number ONE ass kisser when he was in uniform.

Anyways...I hope more people see the light and see how really dangerous this dude is. I won't be voting for him...


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