Monday, September 06, 2004

A Sailor's Last Stand

A Sailor’s Last Stand

I cringe at the sound and I cower in my hole
Another artillery shell falls to take a soul
I hear the beating going numb in my ears
I taste my own vomit as I try to swallow my fears
I’ve been here before this is not my first war
Like a raving lunatic, I always ask for more
I called in the arty, I watched them drop their bombs
I watched them hit the village and kill the kids and their moms
They keep coming at us I don’t think we can win
Our position will surely fall if they come at us again
I stick my knife the ground, ready to make my final stand
I pray to God and kiss My cross and hope I’ll die like a man
I load my rifle and wipe away the sweat
I look about at soldiers, only three of us are left
We stacked the bodies like cordwood, to endure another attack
Only five minutes ago they let up, oh no, they’re coming back
I feel blood run down my face I feel my bones are weak
If the meek shall inherit the earth, my God why can I be meak?
No time for thought for here they come again
I let out a battle cry as I level my rifle once again
I feel no fear anymore, knowing that I shall die
A surge of energy comes to Me, in my final fight
I wonder if the pain will hurt, when a bullet hits me true
Will I see the great white light, and a tunnel for me to walk through
I know death is coming, it’s knocking on my door
I don’t really give a shit, I can’t take this anymore
So I’ll die today there is no doubt, a sailor with no looking back
I’ll take all that I can with me, and the rest can kiss my ass


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