Saturday, October 16, 2004

It's Not About Religion???

Homemade bombs exploded in quick succession before dawn at the five churches in four separate Baghdad neighborhoods, causing no casualties but further alarming the Christian minority community already on edge over the perceived rise of Islamic militancy following last year's ouster of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites).

In August, coordinated attacks hit four churches in Baghdad and one in Mosul, killing at least 12 people and wounding dozens more in the first significant strike against Iraq's estimated 800,000 Christians since the U.S. invasion began last year.

And you tell me it's not about religion? What happened to this being about the American occupation? What about the fatwa about American soldiers on Muslin soil? If that was the case why the heck would they feel the need to bomb Christian churches from the long-established and always persecuted Christian minority?

These Sunni and Shi'a Muslim extremists let their true colors show when they bomb Christian churches. They bomb Christian churches yet they expect Muslim shrines to be respected? They kill Christian reverends, yet they want their extremist leaders recognized as politicians? Right. I see that logic.

There is no way that you can deny that this is about religion. The whole base for the insurrection and Jihad is religion. It's not about national integrity when the majority of enemy combatants killed and captured are foriegn fighters who have illegally crossed the borders. They cannot say this is ani-occupation when they kidnap and behead aid workers and women. They cannot say that this is about anything else than their evil scheme to create a fundamental Muslim state.

If this is not about religion where is the outcry against these persecutive attacks? If this is not about religion where is the denouncing of these atrocities? Can anyone say Kristalnacht? Can anyone say "burn the bibles"? By their silence the Muslim community condones these acts of violence. Their inaction speaks louder than their words.

"The only requirement for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke


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