Saturday, October 16, 2004

What Bullshit

The grandfather of an Army Reserve soldier whose platoon refused to deliver supplies in Iraq (news - web sites) said his grandson told him Saturday that he and other soldiers had been detained by military authorities but were later released. Meanwhile, military officials said.

Some in the platoon had told relatives they refused to deliver tainted helicopter fuel in poorly maintained vehicles by traveling a dangerous supply route without an armed escort.

Why were these cowards released from custody? This is such bullshit if you ask me. These men had signed on the dotted line, went through the training, enjoyed the benifits of military service-scholarships, extra paychecks, shopping at the PX and such-and then they stood in harm's way and refused to do their duty. And they were being held up as heroes who "saved lives". What bullshit!

I spent over a year in Kuwait and Iraq, doing everything from reconnaissance and surveillance security, mobile security patrols, civil actions medical programs, combat patrols, convoy escort and participated in some of the toughest fighting that was seen through the whole war. I know guys that are over there now that have earned three Purple Hearts, and are still fighting.

And just how the hell did they know it was tainted before the fact? Did they test it? Sounds like bullshit to me. And if their vehicles were in poor condition that is their own fault. Why the hell didn't the officers and noncoms make sure they were properly maintained? Why the hell didn't the noncoms ride their peoples' asses?

They have dishonored their uniform. They have dishonored their nation. That the nation is not scorning them as the cowards that they are only shows the low that our nation's sense of honor, duty, committment and sacrifice has sunken to. That they have not been charged with dereliction of duty and cowardice in the face of the enemy, only shows a contemptible pussy footing by the military to remain politically sensitive.

Call a spad a spad.

Call a coward a coward.

I don't give a shit what their excuse is. There are guys are there now doing their job, and even more dangerous shit, every single day! And they don't bitch. Yeah, they;re scared but their still saddle up and go out and do it, every f'ing day! They are not the only ones that have soft vehicles doing a dangerous mission. They are not the only convoy that was without GunVees to provide escort. They had a mission to perform and they failed to do so. Other soldiers had to take their place going into harm's way.

This is beyond contemptible.

This just pisses me off.


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