Wednesday, July 28, 2004


People talk about peace...about wanting peace...Well, what makes them think that there is a peace? What makes them think that pulling out of Iraq would bring peace? We may want peace, but what about the enemy?

1950-Present Day, Korea. The US maintains a war footing in Korea, since the end of hostilities of 1953. They are still technically at a state of war. US Forces Korea is a functional combat command which controls an army division.

1975, USS Mayaguez Incident. Elements of BLT 1/4 Marines, 2/4 and 1/9 recover the Mayaquez and it's crew from Cambodia.

1979, Iran. Iranian Fundamentalists ovetake the US Embassy in Tehran and the US attempts a rescue, codenamed Operation Eagle Claw/Evening Light.

1981, Central America. The US Army deploys advisors and mobile training teams to El Salvador and Honduras assisting them in defending against the Communist threat. This continues through 1992.

1981, Lybia. And so it begins with the Gulf of Sidra/Line of Death situation with Gay-daffi. This lasts until 1987. I participated in "Freedom of Navigation exercises" under 6th Fleet. It was fuuuuuuuuun.

1982, Lebanon. The US participates in UN operations in Beirut, contributing a battalion landing team of Marines. This mission ends after the Marine Barracks Bombing of 1993.

1983, Grenada. Operation Urgent Fury frees western medical students and deposes the Cuban backed "revolutionary" government. North Korean and East German "advisors" are found among the captured troops.

1985-1990, World. The US suffers many terrorist attacks, including Achille Lauro, TWA 847 (Stethem killing), Disco bombing in Germany, Flight 103 over Lockerbie. This war is fought in the shadows with military special operations and civilian intelligence forces.

1987-1990, Persian Gulf. The US becomes involved after the USS Stark is attacked, and several other provocations. This culminates in Operation Preying Mantis, which utilizes naval forces and Army Task Force 160 special operations helicopters. This also includes the escorting of reflagged tankers.

1989, Panama. Military overthrows and arrests Noriega during Operation Just Cause.

1990-1991, Iraq. Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Enough Said. Oh By the way. This 100 war should NOT be seen as the litmus test or benchmark for future wars.

1992-Present, Former Yugoslavia. The US becomes involved in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Kosovo. Troops are still deployed.

1992-1994, Somalia. The US becomes involved in Somalia, kicks ass and them pulls our troops out (??????).

1994-1995, Haiti. The US becomes involved in Haiti providing security and stability.

1991-1992, Kurdistan. The US provides aid to the Kurds in Northern Iraq through US European Command, only to abandon them and watch them slaughtered when Saddam moves to reassert control.

1991-Present, Southwest Asia. The US maintains a combat presence in Southwest Asia under the auspices of Southern and Northern Watch, and near continual training and mobilization exercises under the names of: Iris Gold, Silent Assurance, Desert Scorpion, Vigilant Warrior, Vigilant Sentinel, Desert Fox, Desert Thunder, and Desert Strike.

Does anyone really believe that we are not at war? Does anyone really believe that the world is not at war????

What did the terrorists learn from 1992-2000 under a Democratic President????

Somalia 1993, shoot down a helicopter, kill a few Americans and they'll go home. WIN

Bosnia, 1993, shoot down a NATO transport aircraft and the humanitarian flights will stop. WIN.

WTC 1993, Africa Bombings, kill as many Americans as we want. They'll treat us like criminals when we're fighting a war. WIN.

Oh, Yeah. Kill as many Americans as we want and all they'll do is throw a few Tomahawk missiles at us. WIN.

IRAQ: Kill Americans and the civilians at home will lose the stomach for the fight. WIN.
Behead hostages and they'll scream and cry for PEACE!!! WIN.

So why are we surprised????????????????

One thing that the beheadings and terrorist attacks have taught me. We can never surrender. We can never give in. We cannot appease. We cannot use diplomacy. This is a fight until the bitter end.


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