Thursday, July 22, 2004

Why I'm Voting for Bush

1) He kicks butt
2) NO terror attacks since 9/11...wonder why? Think Tomahawk, Hornet, pissed off SEALs and Special Forces sergeants (PS, I can say this because my USAR team deployed to NYC and I was deployed to Afghanistan, so no crap on it)
3) He wants people to WORK for a living (what a concept!!!) and not sit on their butts at home waiting for handouts.
4) I believe prayer should be back in school. NO you don't have to pray, but don't take away MY right to pray.
5) The right to bear arms is essential for the defense of liberty.
6) When GW says NO he means NO, not "no, yes..well maybe...what was the question again?"
7) He was a fighter pilot (fighter pilots rock).
8) He gave a raise to the military.
9) He hired Rummy.
10) He didn't cave in to the UN.
11) I believe in equal access, not affirmative action.
12) I just don't like Kerry.
13) He made hard choices and did not back down.
14) He believes in religion and Christianity still.
15) He didn't throw any medals over any fence.
16) His photo wasn't hanging rspectfully on any walls in North Vietnam.
17) He isn't trying to play up the veteran card and call himself what he is not.
18) His tax breaks will help me, the tax payer, not the welfare-drawing, not working ones who sit at home and do nothing but pop more babies out.
19) He was a fighter pilot (fighter pilots rock!).
20) I don't want to be told that I have to give up my guns.
21) I don't want to have to hire people just because of the color of their skin.
22) We need to finish the job in Iraq.
23) We need to finish the job in Afghanistan.
24) Iran needs to know we won't take any crap.
25) We need eradicate the false-Jihadists.
26) We need to support Israel.
27) Syria needs to know we have their number.
28) North Korea needs to know that we can and will make Pyongyang into a parking lot.


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