Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Verse of the Day, Romans 8:23-25, Part ONE

"Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for  our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:23-25

Wow. I read this passage, and all I can is "wow". It speaks to me on so many levels that is would be difficult to write all of my thoughts and emotions about it in one sitting. It would be near impossible. It talks about adoption. Yes, this verse speaks of our own adoption as sons in the Father, but I think on a deeper, metaphorical sense it speaks of Earthly adoption. It also talks of hope. But with that hope, something deeper, faith in that hope. And of course, waiting patiently, something as a Human, I have problems with from time to time, yet pray to God for His grace. Hope. I have been thinking on this alot lately, and that is where God is pulling my heart. Hope. One word; one syllable. Such a small word phonetically, yet so fulfilling, warming, and purposeful. What do we hope for? What have I hoped for?

As a child, I can remember the night before Christmas, hoping for all the presents that I wanted Santa to bring. I can remember the exuberance, the excitement, and the anticipation as I waited for Christmas Morning. I also remember the disappointment when a gift that I especially wanted was not under the tree. I had prayed to God. Shouldn't my prayers have been answered? Didn't the Bible say "Ask and thou shall receive" (Matthew 7:7-9 (NIV))? Why didn't I get what I wanted.

As a young Christian, I hoped to go to Heaven. I was filled with Grace and the spirit, and feared death and the eternal damnation that went with death before Grace. I hoped and I prayed that when my time came, that I would go to Heaven. My wife at the time was also Faithful, and we were equally yoked as defined in II Corinthians 6:14 (NIV). I hoped for a family and to live a long life with my wife. I was also serving in uniform so this hope had a stark reality with my mortality upon me; I knew that I was mortal. Over time, that hope turned to one that I hoped I would not die with my wife doubting my love for her.

Well. After three years of marriage, my wife, Renee, died. During her last days, Renee asked for Grace and for me know love. She also prayed for hope, not for herself, but for me. She prayed that I may come to know love again, and love fully. She prayed for my future. How humble and selfless she was, as she lay on her deathbed. And selfishly, I had prayed for one more day, one more moment with her. I prayed for a miracle. I know a country/western song named "One More day". It has a verse: "One more day; One more time; One more sunset; maybe I'd be satisfied; But then again; I know what it would do; Leave me wishing still, for one more day with you". Again I can remember the bitter disappointment.

After many years away from the Lord, I have come to hope for new things. My faith has matured. My beliefs have matured. It is through different eyes that remember the past, view the future, and live in the present. I won't say that I lost faith, for I don't think one can ever lose faith. I had drifted away though. I Corinthians 9:25 says that we get "a crown that will last forever".

And the things that I hope for have changed also. I no longer hope for selfish things. I no longer hope for things where I am the center. My purpose is not my own, but it is now the Lord's. In Ephesians 1:11 (NIV), Paul wrote: "In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will". His will; not mine. This means having the faith in God that He knows my heart better than I know it myself.

This is hard. As a human, ego is central to my being. We all think that we know what is best for us. This is the battle that is central to my faith. To give up control to God. To say "God, You know what You want for me. You know Your plan  for me. I'm taking my hands off of the wheel. Come work in me, and guide me."

And with this metamorphosis from self to selfless, I have a change in what I hope for. Oh, sure, there things that I want. I want a wife and a family...according to His will. I want to have a meaningful purpose, work or missions...according to His will. I want to work in ministry and missions...according to His will. I want financial stability (relatively)...according to His will. But these are not the things I hope for. By hoping for selfish, worldly things, I take my eyes off of the Lord. I take my energy and thoughts off of His plan and purpose for me.

We shortchange the Lord, and do not allow Him to work in us by doing this. We see God in very small terms as  humans. We try to see Him as a Galilean. We try to wonder what color hair He has, what type of build He has, and what color eyes He has. We see Him in small terms. Yet, God is nothing but small. So it goes with our hopes and our desires. We get disappointed for not getting what we want, yet forget to notice the dream that God gives us. God tells us how to hope. God tells us what we should ask for. Its all in the book. Paul wrote in II Corinthians 417-18 (NIV): "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." We hould hope for the unseen. It is better than we could ever have dreamed, if only we allow God to work in us.

These days I hope and I pray for what the Lord wants for me. He knows me best. He created me. I have taken my eyes off of myself. I have taken my eyes off of myself and put them on my place in my (future) family. I have taken my eyes off of my desires and put them on how I may better serve my brothers. I have taken my eyes off of recognition and put them in my purpose, my mission.

When I was in the military, I participated in several team-building exercises. One of them was taking a parachute, packed by a team-mate and jumping with it without checking it. It built trust that went both ways. This was great trust, for our lives depended on it. Another was to lean backwards over a ledge with our eyes closed and to fall backwards, knowing that my team-mates would catch me. This took trust...and faith.

That is the type of faith that we need in God. Looking toward the unseen, and not the seen. Taking our hands off of the wheel and letting God drive for the rest of my life. Its no longer about me, it's about God. Then...and only then...can we get all that we have ever hoped for. Only then, can we ever allow God to truly work in us. It is only when we have true faith...going where God leads...down any road, any cost, that we can truly say that we will attain all that God has set aside for us. He wants so much for us. I don't want to get to Heaven, and have the Lord point to a room full of treasures that were meant for me, only to hear him say "I would have given you this, if only you had allowed Me to work in you". Can you imagine it? I can.

Prayer for the day: "Lord, open my eyes to the unseen, open my heart to all that You hope for me. Let my faith be such that I can trust in You with my all. Allow me to be guided by Your hand, wherever it may lead me. Lord, I pray that Your Holy Spirit will work in me today. Let me hope for what You wish for me. Let my hopes me of the greatness and purpose You have for me. Let Your humble servant bow to you and place my life in Your hands. I pray this in Your Son's name, Amen."


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