Thursday, September 09, 2004


So we have passed the mark of 1000 combat deaths in Iraq. The liberally-slanted media will call this tragic and will latch onto the "magic number" of 1,000. This only slanders the individual loss that is experienced by the bereaving family and friends. It also lessens the sacrifice that these men and women have given for their nation.

When did the number of deaths become "tragic"? Was it 100? Was it 150? Maybe 500? Or 1000? You see, for every death that they clump together in this number is a personal story. Perhaps he was a national guardsman who left behind a wife and child. Perhaps he was a 19 year-old infantryman who put of dreams of college to answer the call to arms in defense of his nation. Perhaps she was a nurse who gave one weekend a month and two weeks a year in order for the action, and an extra paycheck. Each leaves behind a family, wife, husband, children, parents, siblings. Each is a story unto itself. To put them all together into one number only lessens the sacrifice and is a slap in the face to those warriors who still face death on a daily basis.

There is nothing tragic about this number. There is something heroic to these stories. In each there is a story of personal courage, both the physical and the unseen spiritual kind. Whether the fallen soldier went down in a blaze of glory while protecting brothers in arms, or was standing post when a mortar detonated near him, they are both equally heroes. They knew the risks that they would face and still went overseas to fight for something that was greater than themselves. They placed their lives on the line for others, a nation that no longer looked to them with gratitude or thanks for their sacrifice. This is the true meaning of love my friends. "Greater love hath no man than this, than he who lays his life down for his friends." John 15:13.

It sickens me to see that the left-wing Liberal media and political party are using these personal stories of struggle, triumph and courage to further their political goals. They are like vultures that scavenge on the personal loss and suffering of others. Each man knew the risk that would come when they put on the uniform. There was no question. There was no doubt. Yes, inside they may have questioned why they were going, and whether they were good enough, but still they went. Courage and faith means nothing until it is tested, my friends.

Shame on the liberal media for using this for political ends. Shame on the liberal media fr slanting personal sacrifices for their own goals. Shame on the left-wing liberal politicians who would slander the names of those lost. Every time the Liberal democrats or John Kerry slanders the National Guard, and calls Bush's NG service a "joke" he is in fact slandering the names of those fallen who wear the uniform of their state's national guard.

I pray for the families of those lost.

May God rest their weary souls.

You're home friends...until we meet again


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