Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Falluja Delende Est

Falluja Delende Est

Fallujah Must Be Destroyed...

It was in the Senate of Ancient Rome, that Marcus Portius Cato, 234-149 B.C., who was known as Cato the Elder, ended every speach, no matter what the subject, how long or who he was speaking to with "ceterum censeo delendam esse Carthaginem", or-literally-"besides which, my opinion is that Carthage must be destroyed". It has been shortened over time to: "Carthago Delende Est", or "Carthage Must Be Destroyed".

After many years of internicine warfare, border raids, and animosity and belligerence between Rome and Carthage, Cato got his wish. In 146 B.C., after a lengthy seige in which many Roman legionnaires succumbed to disease, Carthage was taken. A city of 700,000 in habitants was reduced to 50,000 defenders. The survivors who surrendered were sold into slavery. The harbor was destroyed. The city was demolished and the city is said to have burned for 10 days. There is also legend that the Romans salted the earth so that the land would be inhospitable, as a way to prevent repopulation.

Carthage had been destroyed.

On March 31, 2004, four Blackwater Security independent contractors had been ambushed in the city of Falujah, were killed, burned, mutilated and then hung from a bridge. Wesley Batalano (retired Army Ranger and combat veteran), Scott Helvensten (former Navy SEAL), Jerry Zovko (ex-Army Ranger), and Michael Teague (former member of the Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment) were killed.

I don't think anybody can ever forget the images that we saw on the nightly news of what had happened in Fallujah. Right after the atrocities of March 31, 2004, there should have been a call for Falluja Delende Est. Fallujah must be destroyed. The terrorists who perpetrated and carried out these crimes must be apprehended and dealt with appropriately....Falluja Delende Est.

Now, I do not mean literally to destroy Fallujah. I would never condone the mass destruction of an entire city. a sense, the blood of the dead contractors rightfully belongs on the hands of all citizens of Fallujah. A hotspot of insurrection and unconventional warfare in the al-Anbar Province, there is no doubt that Fallujah and the lack of decisive action on the part of the Coalition acted in a way to catalyze the terrorism that we are faced with today.

There is no doubt that there were many onlookers who did nothing while the bodies were burned, mutilated and then hung. There is no doubt that these terrorists then went home and were greeted with cheers. There is no doubt that the general population stood back and did nothing while these atrocities against mankind were carried out. Yes, atrocities against mankind. Whether it be six-million or four men, to kill, then mutilate, then burn bodies, and then hang them on a bridge for all to see, is nothing short of an atrocity.

Falluja Delende Est...

"People of Fallujah! Your fellow citizens have committed a crime against Allah and against mankind. These terrorists must face justice for their despicable acts! Outside the city limits is sitting the mightiest military machine that the world has ever seen! Over fifty tanks and three-hundred armored personnel carriers are waiting with over five thousand soldiers to enter the city! People of Fallujah, we do not wish to kill innocents! These crimes are hateful to Allah! If you do not wish to be killed or see your families killed, then give up these terrorists who are hateful to God to face justice! You have twenty four hours to turn over these terrorists or we will search every home, destroy every terrorist hiding spot, kill every terrorist, and look under every rock to find them! People of Fallujah, if you value your lives, then give up these terrorists and your lives will be spared!"

And then, after twenty four hours, hell is unleashed...155mm howitzers, Apache and Cobra gunships, TOW missiles, 120mm main tank guns, 25mm chain-guns. Marines and soldiers working in small units, accompanied by Iraqi translators, clear the city. The city is pounded and reduced to rubble until the terrorists face justice, either death or trial.

It would have caused a public outcry. The world would have been aflame with critism. Our own citizens would have been made nauseous by it. know what? After that, Mookie's army would have thought twice before putting up a fght in Najaf. Terrorists would have thought twice before hitting soft targets with RPGs. Return overwhelming firepower...

In World War II, when the Allied were retaking French, Belgian and Dutch towns, it was common practice to fire an artillery barrage prior to sending in the foot soldiers. On our allies! Artillery! Bombing runs! Strafing runs!

The terrorists think that all they have to do is kill a few Americans and will run and capitulate. We taught them that in Somalia. Sadly, as I watch the news and read the papers, I think they are right. Too many people forget that we are in the fight of our lives...

An al-Qasqa fighter is an al-Qaida fighter...

A Sadr Army fighter is a Hamas Bomber...

A Basque separatist is an Ansar al-Islam fighter...

An Abu-Sayeff fighter is a Hezbollah fighter...

There is no difference. How can their be? Their whole reason for being is the destruction of all things Americans, and the genocidal destruction of Israel. We have a debt of honor to pay...

A debt of honor to the victims of 9/11...

A debt of honor to the 17 sailors killed on the Cole...

A debt of honor to the Americans killed in the Embassy bombings in 1988...

A debt of honor to the airmen killed in the Khobar Towers...

We have a debt of honor to pay...and it is time to pay the piper. For too longer we have lived under a blanket of false security, thinking we were safe, while the rest of the world was afire. Well, we were rudely awakened on September morning three years ago...

We must stay the course...
...Until the Last Full Measure...



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