Saturday, September 11, 2004

Twisted View of the World

"Sept. 11 was a tragic day in our history because so many innocent people were killed at the hands of militants, who find a fertile ground in our region in view of the biased U.S. policies toward Israel and against Arab causes," said 34-year-old banker Mahmoud Obeid in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
Right. We're the cause of the instability in the world. Terrorists who base their whole reason of being on the destruction of the "Great Satan" (that's us genteel American readers), and Israel. So we should stand by (like the rest of the world did in 1933-1941) and allow the genocidal destruction of the Jewish People. Right? Because that is what the Palestinians want. That is what the false-jihadist Islamo-fascist terrorists want: a complete and utter destruction of Israel and all things Jewish.
Let me point out some reminders from History:
1) Immediately following the declaration of Israeli Independence and British forces left Palestine, The armies of Syria, Lebanon, Iraq (yes, IRAQ), Jordan and Egypt invaded Israel with the stated mission of the annihilation of Irael. Their intentions were declared by Azzam Pasha, Secretary-General of the Arab League: "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades." The war lasted roughly three months and only ended after the Palestinian nation were threatened with being cited by the UN.
2) in 1956 after Egyptian backed and trained terrorists "Fedeyeen" raid inside Israel. With Nasser in charge of the Egyptian, Syrian and Jordanian Armies, the Arabs once again invade Israel with the stated intent of extermination. The Israelis kick ass and take names, routing the Egyptians. In the end the Egyptians blocade the Suez Canal and Britain and France intervene. President Eisenhower forces Israel to withdraw and thus ends the Suez War of 1956.
3) Once again after raids and escalation the 1967 Six-Day War begins which actually sees the attack on Jerusalem. Now, genteel readers, you should know that the Israeli Prime Minister sent a message to the President of Jordan, telling him that Israel would not attack unless Jordan first attacks. So what does Jordan do? They attack. Now guess what? Facing three armies and after just six days, the Israeli Army is prepared to march on Cairo, Damascus and Amman, the capitols of the three belligerents. A UN resolution established a formula for Arab-Israeli Peace, thus ending this war.
4) In a surprise coordinated attack, Egypt and Syria launch a surprise attack during theJewish Holy Season, surprising te Israeli Defense Forces. This war lasts two weeks and guess what? The Israelis kick ass again. But...there was "aid" brought to the Arabs, Algerian fighter planes, Lebanese radar units, Lybian fighters, Iraqi fighters. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait even committed ground troops. To what end? To destroy Israel.
Sooooooooooooooooo. After the little history lesson, I'm wondering how we can be seen as destabilizing the world's security by trying to stop the genocidal destruction of an important ally in the Middle East. It is the only democracy in the Middle East. It is also a nation that the world owed a debt of honor to for standing by while six million - Let's say that number together SIX MILLION - Jewish were killed and destroyed in the concentration camps. Now the revisionists and apologists would try to tell you it never happened, but it FRICKING HAPPENED!!!!
But that has not shaken a long-held belief that U.S. policies in the region — including Washington's support for Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians — are also to blame for fomenting the kind of anti-American hatred that could drive people to launch an attack of the magnitude of Sept. 11, 2001, in New York and Washington D.C.
So we should step aside and watch as a democratic nation is destroyed from all sides in order to appease the Arabs? Hmmmmmmmmmmm, one name: Neville Chaimberlain. How can we, who supported a democracy, and have sued for peace, and for an Independent Palestine (and do you know why the Arabs are against the US backed plan for a free Palestine??? Because it would also leave a free and recognized Israel. Can't have that now, can we???), be the root cause for Muslims invading our nation and killing our women and children? Hmmmmmm? Oh, yeah, because the liberal media would have you believe that these plane hijacking, baby killing, women-raping Fanatics are only wayward misunderstood boys. Yea RIGHT!!!!
"But ... the problem is the Americans don't want to criticize themselves," he told The Associated Press. "They don't look at their policies and mistakes, like the U.S. position toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By defending the terrorism committed by Israel against the Palestinians, they are filling people with anger."
Hey buddy. We're a democracy. We clean our own house. We don't need any raghead Islamo-fascists second guessing our mistakes. That's why we have the three branches of government for the checks and balances....But oh yea...I forgot, Israeli Bankers own America and we are the lapdogs of the Jewish aristocracy. I forgot.
"If we do act in the same way as our enemies, we imprison ourselves in their anger, their evil," Rowan Williams said during a speech to religious leaders at a top Sunni Muslim center in Cairo.
"We are not forced to act in revengeful ways," added Williams, who was in New York when al-Qaida militants slammed hijacked planes into the World Trade Center's twin towers three years ago.
Hey buddy. We didn't cause 9/11. We didn't force them terrorists to kill our women and children. For every action there is a consequence. So if they underestimated our resolve, tough cookies for them. They will have to pay the reaper. And, tell me, how are we acting in the same way as our enemies? We liberated A-stan. We liberated Iraq. We are fighting terrorism. Have US soldiers driven airliners into Muslim cities? Have American soldiers detonated car bombs in civilian population centers? Have British soldiers killed, burned then hung civilians from bridges for the world to see? So how are we acting alike? We were wronged Justice is ours to take. Vengeance we leave to the Lord.
In Amman, Jordan, supermarket owner Hamzeh Ghazawi, 26, said the anniversary for him only marks the start of a more dangerous world.

"On this day every year, I remember the beginning of the chaos, the fear and the insecurity which the United States has brought upon the whole world," he said.
How is it that these people do not see that this war would not have started had it not been for the fundamental false-jihadist Islamo-fascists attacking us? We are not to blame. We are following our legitemate right for national self defense. Every nation has the right of pre-emption and we are executing ours. We need no permission slip. We need no protests lobbied at the Security Council. We need no excuse. It is our right to defend ourselves. If the Arabs don't like it, then they should go about taking care of the beast that they created. Period.
"I thank God that He made us see such a day," said one online contributor who identified herself only as Umm Rafida. "Whenever I look to the picture of the tower while its collapsing, tears well in my eyes and I thank God."
This guy needs a serious appointment with Mr. 5.56mm between the fricking eyes. Done.
The Saudi English-language Arab News daily denounced the Sept. 11 plane hijackers, including 15 Saudis, as "twisted fanatics" and called for a "jihad — struggle — ... to rid Islam of its deviants ... to restore the honor of Islam."
Words are not enough, my friend. You either deal with the terrorists, or we will. And mark my words, we will. They are a threat the whole world, not just the US. As shown by Beslan, N. Ossetia, Spain, Indonesia, and the Philippines. We must destroy the terrorists before they destroy us. Words and editorials are not enough. Where are the Saudi troops stabilizing A-Stan? Where the Kuwaiti troops hunting their own terrorists? Where are the Lybian intelligence officers hunting al-Qaida?
There are only two sides to the war. There is no neutral ground. The sides are already drawn.


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