Saturday, September 11, 2004

Some Times I Just Want to Slit Some Throats

Photos of more than 1,000 U.S. soldiers who died in Afghanistan (news - web sites) and Iraq (news - web sites) were laid out in Union Square Park in New York on Friday in a display intended to put faces of the fallen before the public.

How dare these political activists use the sacrifice and loss endured by families for their own selfish ends? How dare they play on the sympathies and emotions of people who are bereaving their war dead?

Coming just days after the 1,000th U.S. soldier died in the war in Iraq, the display was organized by Army veteran Nicholas Cohen, who said merely listing deaths in the newspapers each day did not capture the human cost of the war.

Veteran of what??? What the hell does the fact that he's a vet have to do with anything? If anything he is all the more despicable for using the wardead for political ends. Shame on him! He needs an asskicking.

"There's no political organization behind this," said Cohen. "This is about the soldiers."

Are these people really ignorant enough to think that this is not political? War is politics by other means. If that is the case opposing the war is a political statement. Opposing it by exploiting the pain and loss of other Americans is despicable. There's a saying in the navy to describe people like this: lower than whale shit!!!

Dozens of passerby stared quietly as volunteers laid out photos in Union Square, which three years earlier had been the site of makeshift memorials for victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

OK. Now this is exploiting the loss of the 9/11 victims. A uniformed soldier knows the risk that there might be death in battle. He signed on the dotted line. He trained. He knew the risks. None of those business people or firefighters or police officers, thought that they would be going to work to their certain death that day. There is NO comparison. By comparing these two groups of war dead s a slap in the face to the 9/11 victims. It also is an insult to the soldiers.

Cohen's mother, Arlene Harrison, said the display was not meant as an anti-war statement.

"We're anti using military force in a knee-jerk way," she said. "We have to have a good, honest, compelling reason before we sacrifice our children."

Oh sure. Hello!!!! Go a few blocks south and you will see the reason why we are fighting!!! Did you already forget the Twin Towers??? Did you already forget Flight 93???? Did you already forget the attack on the Pentagon????

This makes me sick...

Sometimes I just want to kick someone's ass for crap like this....

My blood is boiling...


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