Friday, September 17, 2004

Who Will Guard the Guards

I read this and simply rolled my eyes and chalked it up to the liberal left-leaning media. Then I stopped myself and thought about how dangerous this truly is. Seriously. If the media is willing to twist the truth in such a way to manipulate the public into what they want them to then we are in true danger.

I remember reading about the anchors and reporters of old, from World War II and Korea. These men risked their lives on the front lines, sometimes got wounded and killed. And they were committed to the truth. The. Truth. Commentary was noted as commentary. Personal belief was not disguised as the truth.

But this just leads to an ever wider chasm in America. The media, in their left leaning liberal ways believes that the importance of the common good far outweighs the importance of the individual. So obviously, they have an obligation to tell the Public what it needs to hear, even if it is not exactly the truth, right? I mean, I can't think for myself, so I must need the news reporters and media to tell me what to think, right? And obviously, I'm not there so I can't possibly have the insight to see what the reporters see, right?


I have a mind of my own. I know how to think. I have a rather keen thought process that is capable of receiving and interpreting multiple pieces of information and then making an informed, concious decision. I need no information or news spoon fed for me. I need no condescening reporter to tell me how to think.

This pisses me off...but it als scares me.

The media as made themselves as the guards of America...

But who will guard the guards?


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