Saturday, October 30, 2004

If I Had My Way

If I had my way...

There would be no tyrants in this world
There would be no hungry mouths to feed, needing food
There would be no criminals that prey on the weak
We would all do what was necessary when it was necessary
There would be no weapons of mass destruction
Everyone would have a voice to be heard
Everyone would have a father to raise them
There would be mutual understanding and acceptance in the world

Unfortunately....I do not have my way...


We need strong men with guns to protect the weaker
We need honorable people who will feed the hungry when nobody else gives a damn
We need men of honor who will stand up to terrorism

The professional warrior is not an end unto himself, but he is a means to an end...
If there was no evil out in the world, there would be no need for the professional warrior.
If this was a perfect world there would be peace without war, there is a REAL need for peace through the means of war
That is a simple fact.

The Islamo-Fascists have declared war the United States and our way of life. They have declared war on other Muslims who would stand on the side of Freedom and Liberty. They have distorted their religion to fit their fanatical cause.

This is war.

This is a war that is for the very way of life that we hold so dear.

This is God's work...defending the weak, bringing freedom to the oppressed....If God is with us, who could be against us?

Fallujah may not the center of the war, but it will the tide that turns the war. If we fail in Fallujah, then it will have consequences that reverberate through the rest of the War on Terror. They must be wiped out. The insurgents must be killed or captured. The foriegn fighters must be killed or captured. They must be marginalized, if freedom in Iraq is to be a reality.

So I say this...

Falluja Delende Est

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Air Ambulance Crashes, Killing Crew


SAN DIEGO, Oct. 24 — Rescuers hiked though rugged terrain near the Mexican border Sunday to reach the remote site where a private jet went down after taking off from San Diego, killing all five people aboard.

The Learjet was being used as an air ambulance when it crashed carrying two pilots, two paramedics and a nurse on a flight bound for Albuquerque, N.M.

The plane went down around 12:30 a.m. Sunday in a mountainous region about two miles east of a small San Diego airstrip, said Larry Levy, CEO and medical director of Albuquerque-based Med Flight Air Ambulance, which owned the aircraft.

It was the company's first crash since starting operations in 1979.

Emergency personnel had to hike to the crash site. They had located three bodies by late morning, said Capt. Glenn Revell of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department.


"Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for another." John 15:13

Spiritual Dependence

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

As humans, we are born centered around ourselves. We are born with a need to survive, we seek this out through our parents, food, milk, nurturing, everything. It is all about us. Picture a small child who sees something that he wants, and does not yet realize that the world is not all his own. As adults, without Christ, we are the same way.

We walk through life wondering what is in it for us. We help those who can help us. We help those when it is advantageous to us. If we are busy, too bad. If we don't have time, too bad. If someone seeks the type of help we do not wish to offer, too bad. If we are too tired, too bad. It is all about us.

Even in our faith, we can live this same type of immaturity. We wonder what WE have to offer. We ask where God is going to send US. We ask how WE can do something that seems impossible. We ask how WE will find the words. We are leaning on our own understanding. We are still the center of our lives, instead of God. We have yet to unlock the full potential of our Faith and our Love, that remains locked up just below the waterline.

Why, though? Why do we act like this? Even after we read the Word of God, we do not put our complete and utter trust in the LORD. I have an idea. Are you ready for it? Brace yourselves, now. It might knock you down.


Yes. That one little word. Fear. We are lost in the darkness of the forest and cannot see where our next step will be, and we cry out to the wilderness "where is this path leading me???? I cannot see!!!! Please SHOW me my path!!!" And God is right there next to us, ready to guide us through His Will, waiting for us to call out to Him, waiting for us to reach out our hands. Yet we never do.

So many of us attempt to maintain an absurd amount of control over our lives and surroundings. We need to balance the checkbook. We need to plan out our retirement with IRAs, 401 K plans, and map out our future. We lean on our own understanding. We fear the unkown, so we never place our complete and blind faith in Christ the LORD. Because, then we will be out of control. We fear the unknown.

Yet it is in that darkness, that God is wanting us to call on Him the most. In the Psalms, David calls the LORD his shelter, his protector, his rock, his salvation, his comfort, his fortress. That is what the LORD was to him. Even when enemies were all around him, the dogs nipping at his heels, so to speak, he never lost his faith. During the good times, the LORD was the center of his life. He followed the LORD's law and bidding in all things. Throughout 1 and 2 Kings, the LORD maintains Israel on behalf, in memory, of David, His faithful and obedient servant.

We are most afraid of letting go, of taking our hands off the wheel, and allowing someone else to drive, even the LORD. I mean, we can't see Him, feel Him, hear Him, or smell Him. And to our human minds, letting to Him is truly difficult. Yet, that is exactly what we must do in order to unlock the blessings that He has waiting for us.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart." Not just part of it. Not just when we need Him. Not just when it is convenient. Not just when it is safe. With ALL my heart. ALL the time. Dueteronomy tells me not to forget the things that I have seen or let them slip from my heart; to teach them to my children. Phillipians 4:8-9 tells me: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me--put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

These things are from God, the LORD, not from myself. This is not my understanding. This is not my own knowledge. Only the chosen were to understand the parables that Christ had spoken when we walked the earth, in His blameless, perfect, sinless self. The pharisees did not understand His words, for their hearts had been hardened by the LORD. Simple men understood and embraced Him as the Christ, the LORD.

This comes down to dependence on the King, the LORD, not on ourselves, not on our own understanding. That is scary, isn't it? Not very easy to put into practice, is it? When we are falling into an abyss and we are fighting and grabbing and reaching, we need to reach for the hand of the LORD that is always there waiting to rescue us. We need to be dependent on Him.

Instead of asking him for material blessings, we need to trust in Him to bless us in ways that we cannot fathom, preparing our room in the mansion on the hill. Instead of saying "thank you" when someone praises us, we need to say "Thank the LORD, it is through Him that I can do this". Instead of pursuing selfish paths, we need to trust in the LORD, be dependent on Him. NEED Him. That is true Faith. To trust and believe in something that I cannot say, to be surrounded by darkness and still step forth, knowing that I am not alone, trusting in Him. That is faith...

We need to be on fire the LORD, not ourselves.

I am nothing but a helpess sinner.

He is all.

He gives all.

I praise Him in all that I do.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I Bleed

I bleed…
…from the wounds that never heal
They cut me deep in ways
That others cannot feel

I hurt…
…deeper than you can know
I feel the pain within my heart
And deep within my soul

I feel remorse…
…For the things that I had to do
You wonder why I go silent
About the things you'll never know

I feel…
…In the depths that you can never see
A wall surrounds what used to my heart
To never allow anyone close to me

I cry…
…The tears for the future and the past
Alone I sit in my requiem
With the loves of my life in the past

I die…
…A little more with every day
I only wait for the single moment
When it's the Lord's time to take me away

I bleed…

Isaiah 6: 8

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: "Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I! Send me." Isaiah 6:8 (NKJV)

In a vision, Isaiah had a vision of seeing the LORD on a throne. Six-winged Seraphs were there. All in the presence of the Lord were praising the Lord, calling "Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD Almighty". Isaiah becomes frantic because he is unclean, and lives among unclean people. He panics and thinks that he is ruined for he has seen the LORD in all of His sinless, majestic glory. But, a Seraph gets a hot coal with tongs and brings it to Isaiah. The six-winged bird presses the coal to Isaiah's lips and tells him that his guilt is taken away and his sins are atoned for. Then the Lord speaks. "Whom shall I send, And who will go for us?"

Without even thinking, without any reservations, without any ponderance, looking at his calender, taking stock of his ability or his skills, and without a second thought, Isaiah answers. He doesn't just answer, but he answers loudly, emphatically. "Here I am! Send Me!" It wasn't "well if you think I can do it. If you think I have the ability. I think I may be able to slip you into a slot next week." NO! Isaiah answers loudly, emphatically and enthusiastically: "Here I am! Send me!" I can see him waving his arms and jumping up, like the child in school who knows the answer and hoping the teacher will call on him.

Think about the faith in those two sentences. "Here I am! Send me!" He didn't know what he was being sent for, where he would be going, what he would be doing, yet he volunteered nonetheless. That takes faith. He was a servant of God, a truly holy man, and when the LORD called on him, he did not hesitate. He went, and offered himself.

In Exodus 3-5, Moses is chosen by the LORD to lead His people out of Egypt. Those two chapters show what a lack of faith Moses has at first. "Who am I, that I should go go to the Pharoah and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' Then what shall I tell them?" "What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, 'The LORD did not appear to you'?" "O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue." Not exactly a true showing faith.

Yet Moses did go and do the LORD's work. He did bring the Israelites out of Egypt. He lead them in the desert for 40 years. He lead them to their promised land but because of his sin, he was refused the opportunity to see the Land, by the LORD's judgement.

He became a man of faith. He was a father of Israel and a man of God.

How often do we ask what we can do. We pray for an opportunity from the LORD to serve Him. We pray for the faith to carry out His Will for us. We pray for the wisdom to see what that will is. Yet we continue to center on ourselves. We ask what WE can do. We ask what WE have to offer. We ask the LORD to use US. We, even in our faith, are still the self-centered sinners that we were born.

We are given the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. There is no doubt that this is a mandate from the LORD. But...we all have different gifts and talents that the LORD gave to us. Romans 12 tells us this and not to think ourselves higher or lower according to our gifts. They are from the LORD and as the Church is a body, all parts of the body are needed, complementary, interdependent.

Everything is from the LORD. We are meant to praise the LORD. We were created for this. We are also created in His image. Genesis tells us this. How can we better praise the LORD and present Him in all that we do and all that we say? Ephesians speaks of how we should live, imitating Christ. Romans also tells us to offer ourselves up as a sacrifice to the LORD.

Think about it. Imitating Christ...Offering myself up to the LORD as a sacrifice. Where am I in the picture???? That's right. I am in the service of the King. I am doing the LORD's work! Think about it. All that we do is through the LORD, if we are Faithful. All our strength comes from the LORD. All of our perseverence, gifts, abilities, words, qualities, nobility, honor and courage comes from the LORD. Not me! Not you! The LORD!

Instead of asking God what I can do for Him, I need to ask how He is going to work through me. How can I be a vessel for His love? How can I be a living sacrifice for Him? 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 tells us "Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant--not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." Zechariah 4:6 says: "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.'"

Not me! The LORD. I can best praise the LORD by giving credit where it is due. And that is all for the LORD. I have no salvation without the gracious loving forgiving gift from the LORD. I have no words to speak without the LORD. I have nothing without Him. I am only a sinner lost in the darkness without the Light. Now that I am in the Light I belong to the Light. I BELONG to the Light. My life is His, a sacrifice, imitating Him. Not me. Him. Jesus. The Spirit. The LORD. Almight, all-knowing, majestic, soveriegn LORD.

So it's not what I can offer the LORD. I need only be available to the LORD with a heart for Him, and the faith to know that He will bless me according to my ways for Him. He wants to bless us. We need only ask. He will bless us with more so that we can praise Him more, do more for Him, and give more for Him. I have faith in Him. My life is His.

"Oh, Lord, Soveriegn King, Loving Father,
I come to You, a humble sinner.
Who am I to ask anything of You, so great
Yet, I know You are with me. I know
that you hear all things, and know my hearts,
The deepest depths of my heart, Lord.
I pray that You will bless me Lord.
Remain with me, so that I may have your
Righteousness with me, so that
I may be upright in Your eyes.
Keep my hand from evil, from doing wrong, Lord.
I pray that you will use me in whatever way You wish.
I am available to You Lord, in all ways, in all things.
I offer only my everything Lord,
My faith, body, heart, soul and mind
To You Lord, in Heaven.
Forgive my sins, that create a barrier to You
Forgive them so I may receive Your full blessings
And I wash away all who have wronged me with Love and forgiveness, Lord.
Please use me as you wish, according to your
Divine will for me, Lord, your servant.
I pray that your hand guide me
That your words teach me.
Keep me from evil, keep me on the narrow path Lord
Show me discernment for righteousness and evil.
But above all, give me the strength to remain faithful to You
To allow Your Divine Providence to guide me in Your will for me.
I am a servant to you, Lord.
I praise you in all Your glory.
I praise you for all that you are.
I know I have no courage, no strength, no wisdom without You.
I praise you for all that you have given me, Lord.
Bless me according to Your will.
In Your Son's name,
I pray this.

Support Our Troops

Everyone talks about supporting our troops. They wear the shirts, they have the stickers on their cars. But I challenge everyone to actually support the troops without something substantial. You can adopt a sniper, which helps get our snipers important gear that is not issued or could be better, like new stocks and scopes, cleaning kits, bipods, sunglasses, penlights, waterproof writing pads and such. You can adopt a soldier, which provides soldiers with sundry items. Also needed are phone cards, disposable cameras, pads of paper and envelopes, books, CDs, DVDs, thermal clothing.

Now I want to point out some music artists who put their patriotism where their mouth is. They not only talk about supporting our troops, but they go out and do it. Stars for Stripes, is a non-profit organization of country music artists who have gone forward to the FEBA (Forward Edge of the Battle Area) to entertain our troops, where normal USO and other entertainment groups don't get to.

Listen to this! Chalee Tennison and Danni Leigh played at LSA Anaconda and they were mortared. The artists put on helmets and flak vests and kept playing for the troops! DRIVE ON!!! Chely Wright is playing also. Craig Morgan, a veteran and reservist himself also played as part of this organization.

This goes beyond politics. Those deployed are our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. Whether we agree with the war in Iraq or not, they are out there on the frontier protecting our freedom and our liberty on an everyday basis. These artists show their patriotism and their heart when they support the troops as they do.

And They Say Sports Stars are Heroes

People call sports stars heroes, throwing that word around like it is some badge of honor, as if batting 1000, or selling stadium seats and signing a good mulit-million dollar contract is what makes a hero. To me, the true sense of the man is not the talents ot abilities. The true man is the choices that he makes.
There are over one million heroes today, who have worn the uniform of their nation, selflessly laying their lives on the line for their homeland, their people, their flag, their nation. To me, someone who humbly, selflessly serves another, even unto death, is a hero.
How we stain the word by tossing it around like it means nothing..."Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for another" John 15:13.
Look at the following heroes, studs, lions among men who had shown the true mettle of a man, not on a sports field, but the field of ultimate measure, the battlefield. God bless these men, and may God Bless America with continued bearing of courageous, faithful men such as these. Wthout heroes how would we know what we are capable of? I'd rather emulate one of these studs than someone who bats 1ooo, but is also addicted to cocaine, got arrested for beatinh his girlfriend and doesn't know what a real job is.
The Citation

Mitchell, Mark E.Major, US Army (Special Forces)HQ & HQ, 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne)Date Of Action: November 25 - 28, 2001
Citation:Major Mark E. Mitchell, Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 3d Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), during the period of 25 to 28 November 2001, distinguished himself while engaged in combat operations during Operation Enduring Freedom. As the Ground Force Commander of a rescue operation during the Battle of Qala-I-Jang Fortress, Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan, Major Mitchell ensured the freedom of one American and the posthumous repatriation of another. His unparalleled courage under fire, decisive leadership and personal sacrifice were directly responsible for the success of the rescue operation and were further instrumental in ensuring the city of Mazar-e-Sharif did not fall back in the hands of the Taliban. His personal example has added yet another laurel to the proud military history of this Nation and serves as the standard for all others to emulate. Major Mitchell's gallant deed was truly above and beyond the call of duty and is in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself, the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), the United States Army, and the United States of America.

This major was the operations officer for 3rd Battalion, 5th Special Forces Groups. He personally commanded the combat and rescue operations at Mazar-e-Sharif-you genteal readers may remember that this was where the despicably traitrous American John Lind Walker was captured with his Islamo-Fascist compatriots.

This guy is a stud. Truly a quiet professional. He was a great man who did his job.

An article on him

“It is a tremendous honor,” Mitchell said. “But I don’t consider myself a hero. I am not personally convinced that my actions warranted more than a pat on the back. Wearing the Special Forces foreign-service combat patch on my shoulder and serving with the finest soldiers in the world is enough. I was just doing my job and our mission was accomplished.”

Drive on, Major. This dude is a stud, a hero in the truest sense of the word.

Another Hero in the truest sense of the word

USMC Article

He had his driver move the vehicle through a breach along his flank, where he was immediately taken under fire from an entrenched machine gun. Without hesitation, Chontosh ordered the driver to advanced directly at the enemy position enabling his .50 caliber machine gunner to silence the enemy.He then directed his driver into the enemy trench, where he exited his vehicle and began to clear the trench with an M16A2 service rifle and 9 millimeter pistol. His ammunition depleted, Chontosh, with complete disregard for his safety, twice picked up discarded enemy rifles and continued his ferocious attack.When a Marine following him found an enemy rocket propelled grenade launcher, Chontosh used it to destroy yet another group of enemy soldiers.When his audacious attack ended, he had cleared over 200 meters of the enemy trench, killing more than 20 enemy soldiers and wounding several others.

Semper Fi, Captain! This stud comes from my neck of the woods outside of Rochester New York. This is the epitome of heroism and courage under fire. Not the lack of fear but the counquering of fear by something deeper insider. Those outside of uniform will never understand that.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Understatement of the Year

U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said yesterday the world body's reputation had been damaged by a furor over its oil-for-food program in Iraq, as investigators released the fullest accounting to date of the scandal-plagued program.

You don't say. And people actually wonder why the majority of the US military and the executive branch has lost faith in the UN. Remember, also, Rwanda? 800,000 killed in the internecine tribal fighting under the noses of roughly 8,000 Belgian troops, who were then pulled out. Riiiiiiiiiiiigh....the UN got it done!

Russian and French companies were the most active buyers and sellers under the program, according to figures released yesterday by an independent U.N. investigating panel headed by former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker.

No wonder why the French didn't want Op Iraqi Freedom. God forbid they lose out on that cash. Let's not forget our newest friends in democracy, the Russians. Oh, yeah, what about all those French weapons and electronics that were sold to Iraqi AFTER the embargo??? the understatement of the year...Makes me sick to my stomach.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

What Bullshit

The grandfather of an Army Reserve soldier whose platoon refused to deliver supplies in Iraq (news - web sites) said his grandson told him Saturday that he and other soldiers had been detained by military authorities but were later released. Meanwhile, military officials said.

Some in the platoon had told relatives they refused to deliver tainted helicopter fuel in poorly maintained vehicles by traveling a dangerous supply route without an armed escort.

Why were these cowards released from custody? This is such bullshit if you ask me. These men had signed on the dotted line, went through the training, enjoyed the benifits of military service-scholarships, extra paychecks, shopping at the PX and such-and then they stood in harm's way and refused to do their duty. And they were being held up as heroes who "saved lives". What bullshit!

I spent over a year in Kuwait and Iraq, doing everything from reconnaissance and surveillance security, mobile security patrols, civil actions medical programs, combat patrols, convoy escort and participated in some of the toughest fighting that was seen through the whole war. I know guys that are over there now that have earned three Purple Hearts, and are still fighting.

And just how the hell did they know it was tainted before the fact? Did they test it? Sounds like bullshit to me. And if their vehicles were in poor condition that is their own fault. Why the hell didn't the officers and noncoms make sure they were properly maintained? Why the hell didn't the noncoms ride their peoples' asses?

They have dishonored their uniform. They have dishonored their nation. That the nation is not scorning them as the cowards that they are only shows the low that our nation's sense of honor, duty, committment and sacrifice has sunken to. That they have not been charged with dereliction of duty and cowardice in the face of the enemy, only shows a contemptible pussy footing by the military to remain politically sensitive.

Call a spad a spad.

Call a coward a coward.

I don't give a shit what their excuse is. There are guys are there now doing their job, and even more dangerous shit, every single day! And they don't bitch. Yeah, they;re scared but their still saddle up and go out and do it, every f'ing day! They are not the only ones that have soft vehicles doing a dangerous mission. They are not the only convoy that was without GunVees to provide escort. They had a mission to perform and they failed to do so. Other soldiers had to take their place going into harm's way.

This is beyond contemptible.

This just pisses me off.

It's Not About Religion???

Homemade bombs exploded in quick succession before dawn at the five churches in four separate Baghdad neighborhoods, causing no casualties but further alarming the Christian minority community already on edge over the perceived rise of Islamic militancy following last year's ouster of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites).

In August, coordinated attacks hit four churches in Baghdad and one in Mosul, killing at least 12 people and wounding dozens more in the first significant strike against Iraq's estimated 800,000 Christians since the U.S. invasion began last year.

And you tell me it's not about religion? What happened to this being about the American occupation? What about the fatwa about American soldiers on Muslin soil? If that was the case why the heck would they feel the need to bomb Christian churches from the long-established and always persecuted Christian minority?

These Sunni and Shi'a Muslim extremists let their true colors show when they bomb Christian churches. They bomb Christian churches yet they expect Muslim shrines to be respected? They kill Christian reverends, yet they want their extremist leaders recognized as politicians? Right. I see that logic.

There is no way that you can deny that this is about religion. The whole base for the insurrection and Jihad is religion. It's not about national integrity when the majority of enemy combatants killed and captured are foriegn fighters who have illegally crossed the borders. They cannot say this is ani-occupation when they kidnap and behead aid workers and women. They cannot say that this is about anything else than their evil scheme to create a fundamental Muslim state.

If this is not about religion where is the outcry against these persecutive attacks? If this is not about religion where is the denouncing of these atrocities? Can anyone say Kristalnacht? Can anyone say "burn the bibles"? By their silence the Muslim community condones these acts of violence. Their inaction speaks louder than their words.

"The only requirement for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

World War Three

It's been three years. Three years since the way we viewed our world we live in and our nation as Americans in a starkly different way than we did only twenty-four hours before. This is the day that a group of devoted, trained and supported terrorists turned airliners into human bombs, weapons of mass destruction. Yes, that's right, weapons of mass destruction.

And yet, today there are those who do not believe we are in a war....let alone a World War. You may ask why I say we are in a world war. Let me state these facts:

1) US Forces are engaged in active combat and civil-military operations in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.
2) US Forces are engaging foreign born terrorists in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
3) Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa is actively operating in Djibouti and neighboring areas, searching for, targeting and engaging enemy (terrorist) forces in the region as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.
4) As part of Plan Colombia, US forces (limited to 400 uniformed and 400 contractors) are currently supporting anti-terror, anti-drug and anti-insurgency operations by the Colombian military to mitigate the risk of a partnership of convenience between narco-terrorists and the Islamo-fascists.
5) US forces are currently training and assisting Filipino special operations forces and conventional military forces as part of Operation Enduring Freedom, primarily targeting Qaida-linked Abu Sayeff terrorists.
6) US forces are actively training Polish, Ajerbaizani, Uzbek, Georgian and Khazak forces in counterterror and special operations as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

This is a war that is like no other. US forces are deployed on all five continents (yes, US forces are training with Aussie SAS and military forces in counterterror and antiterror/force protection operations) engaging the terrorists, with the mission of finding, dislocating, dislodging and destroying the enemy wherever we may find him. It is that simple. We will find and kill or capture enemy combatants or terrorists (combatants who are not wearing uniforms) wherever we may find him.

Some of you may wonder why we are doing this. Some of you may not remember why we are doing this. Let me show you:
September 11, 2001

Maybe now you remember what I am talking about. Prior to September 11, 2001 not many people even knew we were at war. After the bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi, the bombing of the USS Cole, the involvement of Qaida in the Battle of Mog in 1993, the hijackings and murders in the 70s, did nothing to wake up the sleeping giant...But four airplanes on a September 2001 morning did wake us up.

The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed; our country is strong.

A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shattered steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve.

America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.

I remember exactly where I was when President Bush gave that speech. I was standing at the foot of Ground Zero taking a rest after assisting with the rescue and recovery efforts there. I remember crying tears. I remember my hands trembling. I remember all those thoughts of a lackluster President change to pride and a sense of overwhelming strength coming from the calm, reassuring tone of voice and the words of hope, strength and security coming from him. He didn't ask for pity or for sympathy. He showed strength and determination.

In that moment, our president became a wartime president. There is no doubt about that. I, and all the military personnel in uniform, will not doubt that we are at war. We have been at war for years. The sleeping giant had been awakened. forty-eight hours later the first ground teams of Special Forces ODAs were deploying into Afghanistan and the first CIA field intelligence officers were making their connections with their sources in Afghanistan. The war had begun. Hunting season was open and there was no bag limit.

Americans are asking: How will we fight and win this war? We will direct every resource at our command -- every means of diplomacy, every tool of intelligence, every instrument of law enforcement, every financial influence, and every necessary weapon of war -- to the disruption and to the defeat of the global terror network.

This war will not be like the war against Iraq a decade ago, with a decisive liberation of territory and a swift conclusion. It will not look like the air war above Kosovo two years ago, where no ground troops were used and not a single American was lost in combat.

And I also remember exactly where I was when that speech was given, one of the ready rooms of the USS Kitty Hawk in the North Arabian Sea. September 20, 2001. There were no doubts about the mission we were embarking on. There was no doubt that there was a debt of honor to be paid, that the mission would be dangerous yet righteous and worth the cost, come what may. There was no doubt about giving the last full measure of devotion in this struggle for humanity and freedom.

And there is still no doubt about it. We knew that we would take casualties. Yet we knew that our course was true. If we were to lose our lives, it would not be in vain. It would not be for naught. It would not be for a mistake. I said my prayers, signed my will and testament and stepped out the door. And I didn't look back.

How naive are most Americans when it comes to war. We remember the up close and personal video from the briefings during Operation Desert Storm in 1991, we remember the air campaign over Bosnia and Serbia. We remember the Tomahawks in 1998. But few of us remember that war does have a human cost. Our freedoms have a human cost. Those that went to Vietnam remembered their stories from parents who had fought across Europe and the Pacific. Those who fought in WWII remember the stories from Flanders Field, the Somme and the Ardennes.

But we have had nobody to tell us of that cost. As a society, we have gotten so used to modern convenience and the "peace" of the Cold War, that we have forgotten that the price of our freedom and liberty has a cost. That cost is blood. It is a cost that must be paid. It is a debt of honor, owed to every civilian, firefighter, police officer, and uniformed military member that lost their lives are were injured on September 11, 2001. We must pay it.

Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. Can we be any clearer about our mission?

You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists. It is that simple. That is the stance that we should have taken back in the 1970s and the 1980s, when Baader-Meinhoff, Abu Nidal, the PLO, the PLFP, il-Jihad and other groups were hijacking and killing our men and women. Hell, a serving Marine colonel was kidnapped and killed in Beirut and nothing was done. Through the 1990s, terrorists were viewed as criminals who needed to be caught and prosecuted.

But the whole paradigm of terrorism and counterterrorism has changed in the blink of an eye. The President clearly drew the lines in this campaign, this war, this struggle for our freedom and out way of life. There is no doubt about that. There is no doubt about his determination and his devotion to this cause.

From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.

This spells out the rules of the game pretty clearly. Though he had not perpetuated September 11, 2001, there is no doubt that he harbored, aided and assisted terrorists. Even at a low level, his government had given aid and comfort to the enemy. His intelligence officers, in essence, were acting as the government when they made contact and assisted Qaida. Period. No more discussion that.

I don't think any long-term career soldier or Marine doubts that the war we fought in Iraq was righteous or not. Saddam was a bad dude and he needed to be taken care of. We believed at the time that he had WMD, indeed, he had plans and the ability to acquire and employ them. His track record said that he would. In the aftermath of 9/11 we would not take that risk. Period. That seems righteous in my book.

The antiwar protesters cry out "war for oil!" "where are the WMDs?" "we took our eye off of the true enemy!" Oh, how it must be nice to be sitting on the sidelines and second guessing the decisions of a man who has more responsibility on his shoulders than most can even fathom.

Yet. it comes down to deterrence. We all remember 9/11. None of us want that to happen again. What if Saddam had nukes and was going to do 9/11 twenty times over? He was narcissistic enough to do it, in my opinion. Hell, he wanted to be remembered. He wanted to leave a legacy. So how do we deter?

Most will tell you that deterrence is prevention. In the Cold War we deterred through MAD, Mutually Assured Destruction. The Soviets wanted to die, did not want to see their nation destroyed by nuclear arms, so we deterred them by continually being ready to do exactly that. In Desert Storm, we wanted to deter the Israelis from entering the war, so we deterred them by giving them air-defense systems and the ability to shoot down SCUD missiles. Domestically, we deter sex offenders from re-offending by registering them, rehabilitating them and enacting specific second offender laws.

But we are not fighting a single enemy or a single enemy here. It is not only Qaida. Al-Qaida translates into the Base. The base. They are not the only ones. This war does not end with bin Ladin. It does not end with Qaida. It does end with the Palestinian issue. It does not end with one campaign, one war, or one person. Period.

But how do we deter people who want to die? How do we deter those who are bent on the destruction of the United States and our way of life without sacrificing the very ideals that we wish to defend? How do we deter a fundamental ideology that is fascist is nature and totalitarian on a good day? Can we?

No. We can deny them sanctuary, bringing the enemy into the open where they may be engaged and killed. We can deny them assistance of nation-states by making that assistance very costly in a military and financial sense. We can increase assistance and humanitarian aid to impoverished nations to reduce the base of recruitment. But we cannot deter them. We cannot deter those who ideologically want to die for their cause and desire nothing less than the complete annihilation of the United States, Israel and the creation of an Islamic Fundamental nation that is built around Sha'ria.

But they can be defeated. We have seen much of this, but much remains in the shadows and will never see the light of day for the next generation. Those special operators who have carried this fight to the enemy will remain the quiet professionals and will never be repaid for the debt that our nation owes them. ODAs inserted days after 9/11 with the mission the build a coalition and being assisting the Northern Alliance to overthrow the Taliban which has been assisting and giving sanctuary to Qaida. We used a Hellfire missile fired from a Predator UAV killing a bad guy in east Africa. Our forces are engaging terrorists in Iraq right now, meaning those terrorists will not be engaging American civilians on our shores. The Taliban is out and Karazi is in. Democracy is beginning to sprout in Afghanistan, reducing the base and recruiting arena for Qaida and the other fundamental Islamo-Fascists.

We are defeating them. But it will not happen overnight. It will not happen this decade. It will be an enduring campaign on many fronts. Some will be in the shadows of the intelligence and special operations world. Some will be on the front page. Some will be on the front page of the newspapers. Some will involve diplomats pressuring or cajoling other nations. Some will be by those warriors who are on the sharp end of the spear. But it is a war we will fight. The blood of ghosts cries out for it. At this point there is little difference between justice and vengeance. In the middle of a shooting war, there is a fine, hazy line between the two.

We must prevail. Neville Chamberlain engaged Hitler and appeased Nazism, which kicked off a struggle on an epic scale that saw war on four continents. And on that note, I should remember our genteel readers that our first military operation was in North Africa. That's right, Tunisia. The attack that kicked off WW2 for us was the Attack on Pearl Harbor. The first fight for us in the war was in Tunisia, Operation Torch. Not Europe. Not Asia. Think about it.

This is a war that we must win. This is an enemy that we cannot deter, nor can we appease. We have treated them as criminals for decades. We have chosen to ignore them in our decadent, self-righteous, isolationist ignorance. We paid for that malfeasance in spades. We paid in blood. The blood of innocents who were killed for the lack of will and political stamina on the part of a government which chose to not acknowledge a war that we had been locked in for decades.

This fight did not start with bin Ladin. Nor will it end with bin Ladin.