Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Amnesty for Terrorists / Gunbattle in Saudi Arabia

It's about time that the Saudi government started doing something about the terrorist insurgency that is plaguing their country. With a sword of Damocles over their head for a number of reasons, finally the Wahhabi-based Sunni government is calling these terrorists what they really are.

They are not freedom fighters. They are not jihadists. They are no protecting the faith. They are not following the tenets of Islam.

They are false-jihadists who use a distorted and unsanctioned interpretation of the Quran for their own purpose, which is the total destruction of the United States, Israel and the insertion of a fundamentalist Islamic middle eastern state in their own guise of hate and anti-westernism.

The leading clerics of Saudi Arabia, and the Wahhabi have said it right. The acts of terrorists are hateful to God. They are hateful to Islam and they are sinful. They will not find 72 virgins in Heaven after killing innocent Muslims or peaceful foreigners who work for the betterment of their country. They will only find the fires of hell after they die. They are not martyrs!

It's time the western media take their lead. By falsely calling these terrorists "jihadists" or "Muslim freedom fighters" they give these terrorists undue legitimacy. Legitimacy is the underlying center of gravity when it comes to terrorism. We need to take it away.

Call them what they are. Treat them as they are.

If anyone sees a difference between Ansar al-Islam and Hezbollah, between al-Qaida and Hamas, between al-Qasqa Brigades and Abu Sayef, you need to get your head out of the sand. They are all the same. They all wish the destruction of Israel. They all wish the destruction of the United States. Saddam paid suicide bombers' families from the West Bank. His intelligence officers met with al-Qaida. Bin Ladin provided training and assistance to Habr Gadr in Somalia.

If you don't see the connection, then you are blind. They are all the same. They are tied together by hateful false Islam which would see the destruction of all that they hate. This is a fight for our lives. This is a fight for ideals.

And I don't give a shit about being politically correct. This is not a war between Christianity and Islam. It is a fight between Righteousness and False Islam. Call it for what it is...

It wasn't Christians that hijacked Achille Lauro.

It wasn't Christians who blew up Flight 103 over Lockerbie.

It wasn't Christians who killed a dozen Jewish athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

It wasn't Jews who killed 241 Marines and sailors in Beirut in 1983.

It wasn't Christians who beheaded innocents for the furtherance of their religion.

It wasn't Christians who send suicide bombers against civilians.

Anyone guess who does this????

Call them for what they are and take away their legitemacy. Then kill 'em all...Let Allah sort 'em out.


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