Sunday, July 04, 2004

Quote of the Day

"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities . . . because it is the quality which guarantees all others." ~~ Joseph Chamberlain

Without courage there can be no faith. Faith requires courage to act according to one's belief in times of strife. And what would faith be worth if it did not endure harship?

Without courage there can be no love. What true love does not require courage in the times of trouble? To love involved risk. One cannot overcome risk without courage. And One cannot love without courage.

One cannot have integrity without courage. Integrity is doing the right think even when it is difficult, dangerous or costly to do so. That takes courage to stand up against the march of times and tribulation.

One cannot have humility without courage. While others puff their chests and brag, a man of courage remains silent, confident in his abilities and his course of action. True courage is an act of humility, true humility is an act of courage.

I pray to the Lord to be courageous in all I do...


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