Thursday, July 01, 2004

What a Joke

KHARTOUM, Sudan - U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) told Sudan's government that he wants to see progress within 48 hours resolving a bitter conflict in the Darfur region, which his officials say has led to the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

As Annan joined Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) on an unusually high-powered visit Wednesday, the United States called on the United Nations (news - web sites) to impose an arms embargo and travel ban on Arab militias blamed for attacks on African villagers in Darfur.

What a joke. The UN, which is not a deomcratic organization, that has no checks and balances, the SAME UN which has criticized the UN for defeating the worst tyrant of the world in this generation, is not "demanding" progress in the Sudan.

Where was the UN a year ago when the atrocities were first starting?

Oh yea....they were bitching at the US about doing something about the shit in the world, rather than simply talking about it.

Remember Beirut '83? Yes, peacekeepers in the blue beret were under rules of engagement to not have loaded weapons...remember Bosnia 1993? Yes, the UN peacekeepers (French) were lighting up targets for the Serbs with their spotlights.

Where was the UN in Rwanda? Where was the UN when the Kurds were gassed in 1988? They were sitting around their table with their thumbs up their ass...

And these people dare critisize us???

What a joke...The day that the US joins a "world government" is the day I fly to a deserted island and start a new life.

For all the crap that the US does, it was American weapons that equipped the UK during lend-lease in 1939-1940. It was American soldiers on the Pusan Perimeter. And for all the shit about it, Communism was the biggest danger in the 1960s...who's soldiers were on the front lines then? That's right American....

We don't just talk about freedom...we go and defend it...and fight for it...and spill our blood with it...All the UN does in their prissy blue berets is stand around and watch the genocide and make their speeches....speeches are OK though....after we kill all the enemy...


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