Thursday, August 12, 2004

100% USDA-Certified MAN...spelled M-A-N

I am a man...
I like the smell of cordite
I like the feel of a pistol in my hand
I like the company of other men
I feel alive after a challenge
Looking over the world knowing I did it
I like the smell of the woods in the morning
I like the chill after waking in the mountains
I am somewhat stubborn
I am not touchy feely with society
I am compassionate with society
I am sometimes gruff and soft spoken
I like climbing a mountan and then looking over the vista
with my hands on my hips daring the world to knock me off
I like the scrapes and bruises of the arena
I wear my scars with confidence knowing I have survived
I like working with my hands
I like eating meat that I have hunted
I like eating the fruits that I have grown
I like the sound of a wolf howling through the valley
I will standing tall against criticism for an unpopular point of view
I like knowing that I am depended on
I like knowing that my strength is valued
I like knowing I am still loved even when being stubborn
My honor will not be compromised
My conscience is not for sale
My masculinity will not be taken away from me
I am not politically correct
My spirituality is not watered down
I am a man...
Love me or leave me...


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