Thursday, August 05, 2004

This must get out!!!!!!

I'm glad the truth is getting out. I am not naive to believe for a moment that everyone is completely honest all the time. When it comes to affairs of the state, the government must keep some secrets. It is the nature of statecraft. It is also the nature of the beast.

But for a former officer to lie to this extent to make oneself out to be a war hero when obviously he is not, this is on the same level as the posers walking around with Tridents, jump wings or Special Forces tabs that they have not earned. That the liberal media is suppressing this at the behest of the Democrats in their Hate-Bush campaign is tantamount to commercial censorship. This is WHY we don't want a monopoly. This is WHY we have the Anti-Trust Acts. This is exactly WHY we need freedom of the press. WHY is no other major news media exposing JOHN KERRY for what he is????


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