Thursday, August 12, 2004


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I wish to make several points regarding the 1st Amendment which many of the liberals will overlook. First of all, I wish to make the premise that the 1st Amendment does not give us the right or freedom to say whatever we wish, whenever we wish simply because we live in a free democracy that is protected by the 1st Amendment. Nor does it say that prayer or religion has no right or place in public education.
The whole idea behind the 1st Amendment was that as Colonists those who lived in America prior to the Declaration of Independence and the War of Independence, were being taxed without representation, and they were being charged with sedition and branded as enemies against the state for voicing greivances. They were also situations where to be residents of specific cities and towns meant that the individual was forced to participate and assimilate to a common religion. Non-agreeing newsapers and other writings were disallowed because of subversion and sedition.
The basic right and freedom behind the freedom of speech is the right and ability to voice opposition to the government. This would give all freed men an equal voice. It does not mean you can sa whatever you wish. No, the basic unwritten premise behind the Constitution was that Americans were patriotic men of honor who would be guided by their conscience. The 1st Amendment was not a "get out of jail free" card or a card giving Americans the right to harm others with words.
I say this because of what the Liberals are doing on the left while cloaking themselves in the 1st Amendment. We are in a time of war, and these "Liberals" who call themselves "Patriots" are aiding and abetting the very terrorists who are killing our sons and daughters. Michael Moore, Senators Kerry and Kennedy and others are killing American soldiers just as much as the Iraqis and insurgents are. They are just as culpable for the breakdown of morale among the troops.
The state will make no law against the establishment of religion. No if my son wishes to pray in school or speak of God, why can he not? He is not forcing others to pray. In fact, his very right as protected by the 1st Amendment is being infringed by the public schools who bar prayer. If his religion calls for prayer, why can he not pray? By the very nature of removing prayer and God from school, it is making law regarding religion. You can pray to Jesus, Yahwey or Allah. I don't care. But to say my child can't pray because of the 1st Amendment twists the spirit and the letter of the Consitution. The 1st Amendment was designed to forbid the government from dictating religion. By removing religion there is a defacto law prohibiting freedom of religion.
The right for people to freely assemble means Americans can protest in peace without fear of armed troops firing live rounds into them, or police officers clobbering through them with billy clubs. It does not mean you can throw red paint in soldiers. Its does NOT mean you can burn the American flag. It does NOT mean you can block entry or stop traffic in protest. It does NOT mean you can hold up signs that would be seditious in a time of war. It does NOT mean that you can do whatever you will cloaked in the veil of freedom that you yourself have not even defended.
Now, you CAN pray to whatever God you want to. You CAN peacefully protest the activities of the government within the law. You CAN go to whatever church you wish. You CAN write whatever you wish in the newspaper without fear or governmental sanction. You CAN make your voice heard by voting.
The government was not meant to be ruled by the masses. That was the whole basis behind the Electoral College. The American people do NOT have the right to vote on every little law. You cast your ballot for your candidate and then if you do not agree with him, you change your vote next time.
In a time of war, I wonder why people are not being charged and tried for treason. They are aiding and abetting the very enemy that are killing our soldiers, the same soldiers they state they want to save by pulling them out. They are guilty of treason. They are guilty of crimes more contemptible than treason. For they veil their lies and their hate and their socialist liberal ideas in the idea of "freedom of speech" and "patriotism" when they manipulate those words to their own end without lifting a finger in defense of those words.
The soldier knows that war is ugly, for he has been there. The soldier knows about freedom of speech because he has been defended it. The soldiers knows freedom of religion because he has been places where it is not a reality. The soldier knows the value of life, for he has taken it...
We do not need any liberals condescendingly talking down to us of the very values that they do not comprehend...
So, I am using my 1st Amendment Right here to make my voice heard.


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