Friday, September 17, 2004

The Obviously Invisible

Again, Kerry is left to cut down Bush and the current administration. His whole platform is what he would have done different, preying on the loss and suffering of those breaving war widows and left behind, and the monday morning quarterbacking, armchair generalship.

Kerry has NOT put forth ONE plan of his own.

Kerry has NOT said ONCE what he will do in the future!

All he talks about is the past.

Where is the Kerry Bill? Where is the Kerry Plan? Where is the Future of American Under Kerry???

Kerry promises universal healthcare, yet promises tax cuts...How will this work? Who will pay for this?

Kerry promises a larger more robust military, yet says he will cut armed servic how will our national security be enhanced???

He says he will build alliances, yet calls the Coalition of the Willing a how will he build these bridges???

He says that he is for the 2nd Amendment, yet voted for every piece of gun control legislation as a how will he protect my right and responsibility (read the 2nd Amendment)???

By the way...making these promises is not a plan.

A plan is:

I will keep America safer...BY hunting down terrorism, building up our intelligence apparatus, infusing new technology into the intelligence agencies and recruiting, training and retaining more linguists.

I will protect the 2nd Amendment...BY prosecuting criminals and enforcing current laws, rather than enacting new ones which will only leave weapons in the hands of criminals.

I will build alliances...BY standing by our word, not backing down, exporting good will and opening lines of communication in such a way that will make our aims clear.

I will make Healthcare affordable by all...BY reducing frivolous lawsuits, immunize providers who are being reimbursed through Medicare and Medicaid programs from litigation, and allowing for garnishment of wages earlier.


All Kerry gives are EMPTY PROMISES.

Yet...many people buy into his promises...They see the world as they wish to see it, they believe what they wish to believe rather than the reality...It does take time to train intelligence officers (not agents as often micharacterized by the media). It does COST money to pay for healthcare. When E-4 servicemembers qualify for foodstamps they WILL look for other gainful employment. This is reality...Sad but true...

Yet America has an entitlement mentality...everyone is entitled to something....But that's another story...


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