Monday, July 05, 2004

Beheading of Marine

Abductors Claim Marine Beheaded

Sun Jul 4, 1:00 AM ET Add Top Stories - to My Yahoo!

By Doug Struck, Washington Post Foreign Service

BAGHDAD, July 3 -- A militant group claimed Saturday that it had beheaded a U.S. Marine kidnapped last week in Iraq (news - web sites). The group said on a Web site that it would release a videotape showing the execution of Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, but there was no confirmation that he had been killed.

Hassoun, a member of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, was last seen Sunday in a video aired by the Arab satellite television network al-Jazeera blindfolded and with a curved sword held over his neck. A group calling itself Islamic Response said it had captured Hassoun and would kill him unless all detainees held by the U.S. military in Iraq were freed. If carried out, it would be the third decapitation of a foreign hostage in Iraq in two months.

It's unconfirmed. But if they did, the gloves come off. I'm tired of these chicken sh*t fricking COWARDS hiding behind their masks and planting their bombs and taking their potshots with RPGs and calling it war. That's not a war. Those are acts of cowards. Obviously they've read Sun Tsu...but guess so what??? So have we.

If that Marine was beheaded, the fricking gloves come off. Beheading one, is like beheading all of them. Don't those towel head bastages realize the esprit de corps or the bond that is formed among Marines? I was a Corpsman assigned to 1/25 Marines in the Reserves and well, we were all out drinking one night at a bar. We got into a disagreement amongst ourselves and it got kind of heated. Pushes and shoves were thrown around. Well, someone walked up and joined into the fray...He wasn't a Marine. Two minutes later, the four of us (3 Marines, 1 Corpsman) were taking on the whole fucking bar. THAT is what being a Marine is about.

They want a war? We'll give them one. We did not want war with them. We wanted to get rid of Saddam and free their country. They brought war to our doorstep, so war it shall be. And may God have mercy on their souls...because the Marines will not.

Give no quarter,
Ask for no quarter.

Kill 'em all


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