Friday, September 24, 2004

I Just Can't Comprehend the Shallowness

"The invasion of Iraq (news - web sites) was a profound diversion from the battle against our greatest enemy, al-Qaida," Kerry said in a speech at Temple University. "There's just no question about it. The president's misjudgment, miscalculation and mismanagement of the war in Iraq all make the war on terror harder to win."

OK...well, if Kerry was the military strategist that he tries to make himself to be, he would know the importance of attacking the infrastructure of the enemy. He would know that not only must we engage the enemy on the field of battle, but we must engage the centers of gravity which support the enemy. There is no doubt that there were low-level contact between Saddam and Qaida. There is also no doubt that the Middle East is the central focal point for Islamo-facsism and Fundamental false-Jihadists. We are attacking them there so that we can engage them more effectively on the field of battle. We are also engaging them there in order to gain a foothold in the Middle East, an important operating base for future operations.

"George Bush (news - web sites) made Saddam Hussein the priority. I would have made Osama bin Laden the priority," Kerry said. "I will finish the job in Iraq and I will refocus our energies on the real war on terror."

If Kerry truly believes that this war is about binLadin and not about Islamo-Fascism and the false jihad then he is seriously lacking in understanding about the current situation. The REAL war on terror is not about one person, or one organization. It is a disease which must be exterminated and fought on every battlefield, in every venue with the full weight and power of our people. That means engaging him and those like him in Iraq. How will be "finish the job"??? By begging the UN and the French for assistance? Or perhaps the next time we are the victim of a terror attack he would rather sue them in the World Court.

Kerry said Iraq has become a haven for terrorists since the war, and he offered a detailed strategy to contain terrorism while drawing a sharp distinction between his and the president's views on national security.

Well, far be it for me to disagree with Kerry's vast knowledge of military affairs and national security, but here is a major difference in opinion. I would rather have Islamo-fascists engaged with us in Iraq, rather than Europe or the United States. Every terrorist who is fighting out soldiers here is one less terrorist who is engaging our civilian population. Every terrorist that we are killing there is one less terrorist that we have to worry about it here. That is the reason for our engage our enemies abroad....see the logic here?


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